Never in In all my days...

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If you want to get technical, you're also required to use listed PVC glue. I've only seen clear glue with the UL lable for electrical use; the stuff in the plumbing aisle has a different lable on it. The NEC makes no mention of PVC cleaners and primers. Personally, I'll switch between the 'thin' bodied clear glue and the 'medium' bodied gray (and not listed) glue depending on temperature and sunlight conditions; the clear stuff gives me more working time in the Summer.
To me, the Carlon gray electrical PVC cement is useless. I prefer the green-label Oatey heavy-duty clear cement.
But wait..there's more!

But wait..there's more!


This is another panel


Some of these are actually used for Air...


You can see an air valve on the bottom of the left conduit.
This is obviously an all purpose conduit we're looking at here!
I bet it even works for plumbing!!!



...follow the 4" pipe...


Luckily this box had a 3/4 ko... or this would have been a violation!
I'd be curious to check the metal heat-exhaust pipe to see if there is some electrical wire in there also. He might have also utilized the A/C ducting. Why not?
Yikes! Unbelievable. I know Mont. County well, most townships there are very strict when it comes to code issues and permitting. Do you know which township this was in? Possibly one of the rural farming areas.
How in the world did anyone figure out how to do such a job.This is way over my head.I wonder what type conductors they used?I bet he used copper...cause it's better than that aluminum stuff.HMMM.I suspect he also used that kind of wire for "WET" locations .What a waste of time and material.Just because it works doesn't mean it's correct.
It?s sad, but true. While some of us go through a five year apprenticeship, take local city journeyman licensing exams, and pay a yearly fee to keep a license, there are people out there who happen to have a pick up truck and a ladder and can call themselves electricians.

Why ya gotta be that way and treat us like lepers?
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