New crew of two and the killer in me.

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Or you could just assign the project to one of them and let him know what you want and the time frame that you think the job can be accomplished.

This is what I'm going to do. Went in today and once I was set up I hung a bunch by myself, cake. I'll have the other guy go behind and wire them.

First off; I would not apoligize for any previous remarks! An old teacher reminded me once that you can apoligize
for remarks but you can not take your words back!

When a grown man yells at other grown men, something is seriously wrong. I have determined that is my lack of ability to coordinate this project with new help. My weakness, therefore my apology to them.

Maybe since you lost Al, you've got the hang-up of judging everyone againest his work attitude and completion rate. I've been there done that and Yes, I still miss my "Rosa"!

All above is just My Humlbe Opinion.
Yeah man, I got spoiled ,comfortable. And your humble opinion is always greatly appreciated Jude.:) Thanks.
Or you could just assign the project to one of them and let him know what you want and the time frame that you think the job can be accomplished.

This is what I'm going to do. Went in today and once I was set up I hung a bunch by myself, cake. I'll have the other guy go behind and wire them.

Good call. Mo' betta for everybody, especially you.
... yelled at them Thursday and again today. My yelling can't help as there is no way to expedite such a mental blockade of a seeming simple task.

Yelling never helps - all it does is confirm to your workers that you are an ass.

I'm with the band here - it's your show, instruct them exactly how you want this done, standing over them if necessary. Sort it out now and it wont be an issue again.
Sometimes, for whatever reason, 2 particular guys don't work well together, wither on any job or on a specific one. Is it possible to split them up, have 1 start at each end & meet in the middle? Specify heights, etc. so you don't get a meeting point that ends don't meet, etc. They may each work better alone, where neither can blame the other for problems. After this job, put them on different jobs or different crews, etc. People are strange critters & sometimes do strange things.

I feel for you. I had a couple of young punks working with me several years back. Smartmouthed every word I said, argued every method I told them to use, etc. Neither was quite as bad alone, but together they created an audience for each other.
Try to remember that, these are two "new guys". They may be over thinking things trying to impress you. They are probably well aware of the job market out there and scared to death that if they don't do a good job they'll get canned and that mentality can have them competing against each other instead of working together.

And of course as has been mentioned it could just be a clash of personalities. I usually get along with everyone, but I've worked with guys where our styles clashed and I've worked with guys where we were handing each other thing before the other even asked for it.
My guess is that each man had or has a different idea of how it should be done but neither one is in charge. Therefore each is not responsible for the job performance, nor are they willing to burn the mental energy needed to to make it happen. Each guy may be thinking ...if I just had a helper that would do as I say without contradicting all my ideas we could get this job done (and I could get credit for a job well done). And while neither is in charge they may be blaming the other guy for the failure.

Two good seasoned mechanics can work well together....but not always.
... I've worked with guys where we were handing each other thing before the other even asked for it.

I have an apprentice pretty good like that. It's AMAZING how much better the day goes by.........:cool:
So true. PJ is that good a helper, and it makes for such a pleasant work atmosphere. Plus, at work, she knows I rule the roost.

(At home, she rules the rooster. :cool:)

We've had people ask how we can work together without talking to each other. We almost look like a four-handed electrician.
Chris we must remember we are all human, we are all created the same but we all have learned (or not) differently, each of our own experiences are different, no two people will do the same job the same way, this in it self can contribute to a job going faster or slower, but I find sometimes letting a person to at least try it their way, then I become the teacher to meld them into trying ways to allow them to use their skills but to add to them to make the job go faster, this can be from scraping their way to just adding some pointers that will make it a little easier, the experience that we may have can be a learning tool for others if we present it in a non belittling learning way. we all want to be a important individualized person that matters.

So when we want to apply our experience to help others to learn new ways, we must remember that everyone wants to feel important to the job at hand, but as a supervisor we also must let them understand that when things are not being preformed in a timely manner they must also be open minded to learn new ways and or adjust to different thinking that can help the job not only go faster but more smoothly and easier, this is what team work is about, two guys who can put their heads together create a job into a production line, each taking a part of the work to complete.

One of the best teachers is by sight plus hands on, this is where we sometimes need to show them how its done or at least give them an idea that they can add to or take away from as long as it gets the job done in the expected time.

As others have said yelling is not only non productive, it tell the receiver of the yelling you have lost control, always keep you calm, always be in-control, learn to be a teacher as if it is your own children you are dealing with, never expect a person to have all the answers and that they can convey this to you, most who have a pride will be embarrassed to admit not knowing things, but if you approach a worker in a very open minded way that you are open to their thoughts and you expect the same in return, and let them know that you want them to ask any time they need to, you will find that they want to learn, to better themselves, of course this can be a point where you can also weed out those who can be stubborn that have closed minds, who think they know it all, but for the most part most all of us want to learn.

Its all in how you present it to the worker.
There has to be a lead guy... you have to tell both of them that too their face at the same time. You don't have to explain your answer to them either. When I was an apprenti I was placed in charge of a job... Oh the two JLE had a riggin fit but we developed a way to get along and the job got finished on time and under budget. So moral of story is no matter who you chose to run your job... there has to be a #1 man... preferably the one who's work ethics and quality controls most closely resemble your own.
My guess is that each man had or has a different idea of how it should be done but neither one is in charge. Therefore each is not responsible for the job performance, nor are they willing to burn the mental energy needed to to make it happen. Each guy may be thinking ...if I just had a helper that would do as I say without contradicting all my ideas we could get this job done (and I could get credit for a job well done). And while neither is in charge they may be blaming the other guy for the failure.

Two good seasoned mechanics can work well together....but not always.

whats most important that MK is stating is that two mechanics on the same job will always tell you they could of done the job better alone. When they both have a conflicting ideas it becomes a competition. I have seen it happen where there are two mechanics on a job, without one of them being exclusively incharge. One of them will allow the other to perform a non code compliant or more costly installation and then wait to tell you about it afterwards saying they told them it was wrong. Its better to keep the top men away from each other And supervise more often.
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