New format and function not good

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Okay, I'll tell you what I would like. A way to come to the forum, see what has been added since my last visit, and respond with questions or answers.

Just like we used to be able to do.

I agree.

That was basically the only forum function I used to use, "new posts" and probably the same for many other members.

Now our options are last 2 days, last 3 days, last week.

How do I get the results to show just the threads, instead of all the threads and posted replies? I don't want to see 6 different lines of replies to the same topic, I just want to see one line showing the thread title.

Also, members locations.
Go over to another electrician's forum. That's what a real electricians forum looks like, and the format is way better too.

This forum and the other both use the same off the shelf software - vBulletin. We are on version 5.5.3 (i can see it at the bottom). They are on 3. something.

I don't think Mike Holt's Webmaster has much control over how the forum looks - it just depends on what the Vbulletin software provides.

For Version 5, this is apparently it. As mentioned before, older versions leave the forum vulnerable to hacking. I don't think anyone wants that.

I agree its unfortunate that Vbulletin thinks they have the change the interface on the newer versions of the software when everyone liked the old versions better. But it is what it is.

Apparently they are following Microsoft's lead. I hated it when Microsoft added ribbon panels to word, excel, and all the other popular programs. And don't even get me started on how confusion Outlook is. But I got used to it eventually.

I think I'll get used to this too.
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..... I don;t understand all the anxiety over this

Maybe chalking this up to it being our fault (anxiety) is part of the problem.

It is now so difficult to navigate this site, that only morbid curiosity is forcing me to find just these threads that remind me I'm not the only one who finds this entire thing ridiculous, uninviting, and doomed.

I'm guessing those who are saying "get used to it" and "get over it" aren't having the problems with it that the rest of us are. I've only been here 12 years. You probably won't notice me gone. I feel bad that you are going to lose some much better talent than me.
I agree.

That was basically the only forum function I used to use, "new posts" and probably the same for many other members.

Now our options are last 2 days, last 3 days, last week.

How do I get the results to show just the threads, instead of all the threads and posted replies? I don't want to see 6 different lines of replies to the same topic, I just want to see one line showing the thread title.

Also, members locations.

Hear! Hear! I don't want to wade through 100 posts to find a thread that has something new. Show new/old threads, not posts.
This forum and Electrician Talk both use the same off the shelf software - vBulletin. We are on version 5.5.3 (i can see it at the bottom). They are on 3. something.

I don't think Mike Holt's Webmaster has much control over how the forum looks - it just depends on what the Vbulletin software provides.

For Version 5, this is apparently it. As mentioned before, older versions leave the forum vulnerable to hacking. I don't think anyone wants that.

I agree its unfortunate that Vbulletin thinks they have the change the interface on the newer versions of the software when everyone liked the old versions better. But it is what it is.

Apparently they are following Microsoft's lead. I hated it when Microsoft added ribbon panels to word, excel, and all the other popular programs. And don't even get me started on how confusion Outlook is. But I got used to it eventually.

I think I'll get used to this too.

I get that, but unfortunately the newer version is worse than the old. :rant:
Hear! Hear! I don't want to wade through 100 posts to find a thread that has something new. Show new/old threads, not posts.

Well, the forum was down for maintenance yesterday, and today I see "New Topics", "Last 2 days", "Last 3 days", and "Last week".

So I think the powers that be are doing whatever they can to make everyone happy.
I can't see any recent or new threads as an option.
The only options are post lists from two, three or last week.
These are individual posts and not threads.

I think I am out unless some things get fixed.

It looks like my avatar doesn't work anymore either.
I can't see any recent or new threads as an option.
The only options are post lists from two, three or last week.
These are individual posts and not threads.

I think I am out unless some things get fixed.

It looks like my avatar doesn't work anymore either.

Have you gone into "settings" and checked the "show avitar" box? That seems to have fixed some people's problem.
Mine is already clicked to show. See an avatar by my name??

We need a "how to use the forum" primer.

Two minutes of "working" and no post, but clicking again says "duplicate" even though there is no post.

I suspect that you may have to replace your current (old Forum) Avatar with a GIF of suitably small size to allow the new Forum code to display it. Just a hypothesis at the moment.
The slow rendering of a new page is indeed frustrating, but it seems to have improves somewhat with overnight changes.
But from the New Topics list I still get up to 20 seconds before the thread I select using the unread posts icon displays. Still not acceptable, IMHO.
It does seem that the mobile view is much faster than the browser view for some reason.
That last post by me had the same experience you had, with the addition of several JSON and database error messages along the way, but refreshing the page in browser showed the Post was successful. Strange.


The old version of the software was full of security vulnerabilities and needed to be updated to a more modern, more secure version.


Security in fora like this is a joke.

Everytime you are logged-in, your IP address is exposed and everyone knows where you are and they can track your browsing habit.

With the numerous flak that the NEW FORMAT is getting. . . it seems like the Webmaster deserve recognition and be awarded the “most unpopular upgrade” from the majority of members.

A “seamless” upgrade with minimum complaints is the hallmark of a good Webmaster.

Some junior high kids doing website design is a new fad in China. They are paid minimally and I think this is what we have. And a lot of them still have to master the English Language

It is always said that resisting change is a human nature.

This seems to be true but change is a necessity especially in the world of IT/electronics.

New ideas in IT and electronics that come with these radical new ideas have a turnover of 18 months at the most. So keeping up with change is survival requisite.

Easy navigation and minimum surprises excel when it comes to old cudgers using the site.

There will be a round of complexity. . . however electricians are pretty caught-up in their world of continuity.

I agree, there is a lot to be desired. And there is so many to list them here.
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... from the New Topics list I still get up to 20 seconds before the thread I select using the unread posts icon displays....
At least you have a "New Topics" list. Most of us don't. And it was the only way most of used the forum. Anything else is worthless.

EDIT: This is the first time I experienced the severe lag and error message that others have been talking about. At least I knew to do a refresh and wait even longer. That's just the icing on this really bad cake.

Seriously, is this being fixed or are they just trying to wait us out and see who's left?
Well, SOMETHING has changed. I didn't have the lag before that others were talking about. Now I do. I'll check back tomorrow...

BTW, the requirement to wait between searches is retarded. Sometimes a search term is bad and you need to do another one right away; sometimes several while checking various terms for better results. Granted, at least you only set it for 10 seconds. Most forums with this feature have it at an insane 30.

Even as it is, the lag is so bad you don't even know you violated the ten-second rule for about 30 seconds.
It is always said that resisting change is a human nature.

It's not even a matter of change or newness. When I first find and join any new forum, there is a great learning curve. However, everything one needs to use and navigate the forum is usually there; it's obvious or easily found, and it's easy to develop a routine to use the preferences, setting, features, and shortcuts.

What's wrong here is that the new format doesn't display the user tools in a prominent place. When I arrive, I don't know what to click on to find anything. Whoever tells the webmaster how the forum should operate didn't get the message relayed very well. Not appearance, but function. Where are the tabs we want?

As for our "anxiety" or "upsetness", I'm stunned that we forum members are put down for our passion and caring. You (and you know who you are) should be glad that we care enough to make the effort, to go through the trouble to express ourselves, rather than simply say "Screw it!" and stop coming here to participate.
The forum is working pretty much the way I was using the old one. But I don't go in for 'recent activity' buttons or 'new topics.'

-- I look at the list of active fora. The ones with new posts are highlighted. Click on a highlighted forum.
-- This shows a list of Topics, in reverse-chronological order (ie newest first). Topics with new posts are highlighted. Click on a highlighted topic.
-- See list of Posts, in chronological order (ie oldest first). Indicator shows page 1 of 543, and I can click to go to the next page. There used to be a "LAST" button here.
But if I scroll to the bottom of the page, the indicator page 1 of 543 is repeated, with a PREVIOUS button and a button with the highest page number (ie "LAST").
-- Click on highest page number. May have to click the left arrow in the indicator if there were a lot of posts I haven't read.
Read messages I haven't read yet, spewing replies as appropriate.
-- Click higher page numbers to read all messages. If I click the left arrow several times to find the last post I read, I use the back button on my mouse to move from, say, 541 to 542 to 543. Next back click is back to page 1 of the posts. Next back click is back to Topics. Next back click is back to list of fora.

That's how I navigated on the old page; it still works pretty much the same way.

Sometimes I receive a >>GATEWAY TIMEOUT The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application<< error. I wonder if it's only topics with large numbers of posts??

Time to change from page to page is glacially slow.

I would have illustrated my comments with screen shots, but when I tried to upload some .JPG files, I was told >>MikeHolt.gif Image resize failed due to your image library not having support for this image type.<< Changed docs to .GIF. Received same message! Is uploading down??
I would have illustrated my comments with screen shots, but when I tried to upload some .JPG files, I was told >>MikeHolt.gif Image resize failed due to your image library not having support for this image type.<< Changed docs to .GIF. Received same message! Is uploading down??

This seems to be an area of the vBulletin code that needs some substantial tweaking by those that can get under the hood of the Forum's code. Dennis Alwon has quoted someone (webmaster?) who stated that avatars were difficult, at the moment.

I received that exact error message while attempting to reinstall my avatar, first with a JPG, then a BMP, then a GIF. It was only when I dug up out of old files, my original 48 x 48 pixel GIF that I succeeded.

The image upload processing code seems to be crippled at present.
It's not even a matter of change or newness. When I first find and join any new forum, there is a great learning curve. However, everything one needs to use and navigate the forum is usually there; it's obvious or easily found, and it's easy to develop a routine to use the preferences, setting, features, and shortcuts.

What's wrong here is that the new format doesn't display the user tools in a prominent place. When I arrive, I don't know what to click on to find anything. Whoever tells the webmaster how the forum should operate didn't get the message relayed very well. Not appearance, but function. Where are the tabs we want?

As for our "anxiety" or "upsetness", I'm stunned that we forum members are put down for our passion and caring. You (and you know who you are) should be glad that we care enough to make the effort, to go through the trouble to express ourselves, rather than simply say "Screw it!" and stop coming here to participate.

If you're referring to me then you have it all wrong. I didn't put anyone down. I even explained in a more recent post that what I initially said may have come out in a way that I didn't intend. I was just saying that rather than get upset, it would be better to just wait it out and maybe staying off for a short while, to see if things can improve.

As I also stated, we have zero control over any of this. All we can do is report it and we have a long list of things already to report.

Now put yourselves in our (Mods) shoes. Imagine you walked in to a job, you've never been there before and only have instructions for your specific job that you are there to do. Now imagine folks coming at you from every direction. Some are saying the plumbing doesn't work, some saying the phones are out, others are saying the HVAC isn't working right, etc. All you can tell them is you can call the GC because you have no control. They don't seem to hear that and want you to fix the problems. That's how I feel with these problems we are experiencing. I want it to work right and I want to help but don't know what to do other than report.

Having said that, if I have offended anyone, it was unintentional, and I apologize. If I know how to answer specific questions, I will do so and be glad to help. I think the most prevalent problem is the screen display seems to be different for Mods than for the members. I discovered that not only from your posts, but opening the forum without logging in. So we/I didn't understand why you couldn't do certain things.

Hopefully, a "rush" is put on and at least some of this can be addressed soon.
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