New resi pricing

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I'll start bidding by the opening as soon as I start getting blueprints for houses.

Most resi additions or new house I bid off prints - I've said this before here - maybe I deal with different GC's and different type of work. I don't do the tract homes - I'm gonna beat you for every nickle type of GC.

I turned down a job a few weeks ago because the GC who I didn't know wanted me to bid on a job - addition to a house - new service, 2 bedrooms over a new garage. (Not very big at all) He sent the prints - no electrical prints - I asked him what am I bidding on then? He replied - "Oh we'll figure it out on the walk through with all the other EC"s . what?

I told him forget it I'm not interested - I said " sorry I don't design for free and then have to bid on my own design"

Some guys here will think I'm dumb for having that attitude or think I wouldn't make it in their area - well I do just fine and I also think everyone is comfortable eating off the food chain at different heights. I just prefer near the top.

With that said - I bid on housing authority work as well which is dirty work most of the time - so I am not that holy.
If the print has details, of course you bid to the print. But if a print shows no electrical details, only sq ft and framing details, I bid code minimum. I'm not gonna plan on can lights and such, that would allow someone to outbid me. If they want to add cans once we get going, that's certainly not a problem.

How do you bid a custom house print that is not bare minimum code? By the square foot or by the opening?
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