New SqD loadcenters w/ "qwik grip"

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Señor Member
Former Child
Thought I'd share for resi guys; looks interesting. I just ordered two for a custom house I have going.



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Looks a little like the failed Square D Trilliant series from the 90's.


Yeah, I remember these. SquareD really touted it at the time. We didn't bite as we were a QO only shop back then, even for resi. As I recall, this predated Homeline. I came across one in a house 6 or 7 years ago. We're dating ourselves.
Looks a little like the failed Square D Trilliant series from the 90's.

Picture looks very much like the two I installed when my house was built 23 years ago! Still going strong but know they will have to be replaced eventually.
Whatever size they are, though, I'll bet trying to use the knockouts without bending the box is going to be fun.
If same design of KO as Square D's other loadcenters, you don't have to pound the poop out of them to get the KO's to break loose.
Some days yes, some days no. The EC I worked with that did res work with would use a Greenlee punch because some of the SqD knockouts were so poorly made they could hardly be taken out without warping the panel.
With the current design that has been around at least 20 years and hasn't changed much? I have never had a problem removing KO's on them, sometimes even come out too easy.
With the current design that has been around at least 20 years and hasn't changed much? I have never had a problem removing KO's on them, sometimes even come out too easy.

It's probably been 6-7 years. And it wasn't with all of them, just every now and then one would be a PITA. Having the larger size come out when you don't want it to was also something I didn't like about them.
It's probably been 6-7 years. And it wasn't with all of them, just every now and then one would be a PITA. Having the larger size come out when you don't want it to was also something I didn't like about them.

The center larger KO on Square D loadcenters has 1" KO as the smallest. You can almost remove them without any tools. then the remaining eccentrics are not that difficult to remove - with a 6-8 inch water pump pliers. 2# hammer will remove more then you want nearly every time;)

Milbank cabinets are about the worst I run into on a frequent basis when it comes to knocking out any of the KO's.
New SqD loadcenters w/ "qwik grip"

New SqD loadcenters w/ "qwik grip"

Got enough circuits there? :roll::roll:

Had just enough room

Most houses I do are pretty loaded down; this pic is the house before that one in the last pic.


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"Whatever size they are, though, I'll bet trying to use the knockouts without bending the box is going to be fun."
I've often wished that the larger size premade knockouts with all the rings to remove, but not too many... would just give you a 7/8" premade knockout and enough solid material around it to knockout the rest with a punch.
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