New York State - 2011 NEC adoption

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I did a quick site search and found this

I am almost shocked (pun intended) that there are no responses.

There has been a committee set up that has some politicians help to provide a change in the law that will require NYS to adopt the "current" NEC. As I understand it, since NYS is not in sync with the NEC cycle, we adopt the NEC usually at least 1 code cycle behind. This new law will help us to be current, adopting the current NEC in the middle of a New York State code cycle via an emergency bulletin. (ebulletins become effective the day they are posted on the states's website, and anyone can be on the state's email list to receive these ebulletins)

There is a good chance this may occur by the end of 2011 or early 2012. I am very happy and a little surprised at how fast this is moving through the political path in NY.

I will keep this info current, as I learn more about it,
It would be nice if they actually adopted a State wide code. I hear stories from contractors who tell me that when they go from one town to another that the requirements are not the same.
I did a quick site search and found this

I am almost shocked (pun intended) that there are no responses.

There has been a committee set up that has some politicians help to provide a change in the law that will require NYS to adopt the "current" NEC. As I understand it, since NYS is not in sync with the NEC cycle, we adopt the NEC usually at least 1 code cycle behind. This new law will help us to be current, adopting the current NEC in the middle of a New York State code cycle via an emergency bulletin. (ebulletins become effective the day they are posted on the states's website, and anyone can be on the state's email list to receive these ebulletins)

There is a good chance this may occur by the end of 2011 or early 2012. I am very happy and a little surprised at how fast this is moving through the political path in NY.

I will keep this info current, as I learn more about it,

I just assumed everyone knew it and I was posting old news.
It would be nice if they actually adopted a State wide code. I hear stories from contractors who tell me that when they go from one town to another that the requirements are not the same.

Sorry to say that a statewide code is a long way off in NY.

There is one code in NYS that we all are supposed to be following. Some towns have a few minor "more restrictive local codes", but those can be counted on less than 2 hands.

The real issue in NYS (from conversations with inspectors from other states, I surmise other states as well) the lack of oversight on electrical inspectors. It would seem that some jurisdictions and some electrical inspectors have their own idea of what should be code. Since the contractors are mostly afraid to contradict an inspector, that is the way it works...they pretty much run amuck.

I can tell you (I myself am involved with what I am about to state, with a few of the jurisdictions) that there is soon to be oversight committees set up for electrical inspectors. We are going to set up a testing procedure (test to be taken regardless of their current status - in other words - no grandfathering), and oversight committee to hear complaints (complaints in writing). There is more to it, but I will save some until the development is further along.

This should be interesting. I can say that there have been a large number of complaints to the County level. Complaints from the building departments, property owners and contractors. Yet no real action, as there are no laws or rules set forth in the state, as electrical inspector fall through the regulatory cracks. That is about to change though. One of the biggest obstacles is that the people in charge are afraid there will be a void in the number of eligible people who qualify to be electrical inspectors.
Sorry to say that a statewide code is a long way off in NY.

There is one code in NYS that we all are supposed to be following. Some towns have a few minor "more restrictive local codes", but those can be counted on less than 2 hands.

The real issue in NYS (from conversations with inspectors from other states, I surmise other states as well) the lack of oversight on electrical inspectors. It would seem that some jurisdictions and some electrical inspectors have their own idea of what should be code. Since the contractors are mostly afraid to contradict an inspector, that is the way it works...they pretty much run amuck.

I can tell you (I myself am involved with what I am about to state, with a few of the jurisdictions) that there is soon to be oversight committees set up for electrical inspectors. We are going to set up a testing procedure (test to be taken regardless of their current status - in other words - no grandfathering), and oversight committee to hear complaints (complaints in writing). There is more to it, but I will save some until the development is further along.

This should be interesting. I can say that there have been a large number of complaints to the County level. Complaints from the building departments, property owners and contractors. Yet no real action, as there are no laws or rules set forth in the state, as electrical inspector fall through the regulatory cracks. That is about to change though. One of the biggest obstacles is that the people in charge are afraid there will be a void in the number of eligible people who qualify to be electrical inspectors.

I know many EC's who tell me all sorts of stories related to exactly what you've said. Go over the border into the next town and all new rules and the "I want it done that way" type of enforcement. Then there the problem of multiple licensing where each little fiefdom has their hand in your pocket. I hear many complain that something needs to be done yet nothing happens. I wish you luck. :cool:
Code adoption in Virginia

Code adoption in Virginia

Greetings all.

Here in Virginia, the NEC that is in the current building codes is the code for the state.

For example, here in Virginia, the 2008 NEC is now the standard for the Commonwealth.

2008 will stay the standard until the next release of the BC. They do it this way, because the Building Code is the master code. The NEC that it references now is 2008, not 2011.
Just to tell you how stuped New York is I hold about 10 licenses and only work on the island.
Here in Virginia, the NEC that is in the current building codes is the code for the state.

That's how NYS traditionally does it also, that's what makes this latest announcement so interesting. Things don't usually move that quickly here, we're all waiting to see what gets screwed up in the process. ;)
Just to tell you how stuped New York is I hold about 10 licenses and only work on the island.

That's how NYS traditionally does it also, that's what makes this latest announcement so interesting. Things don't usually move that quickly here, we're all waiting to see what gets screwed up in the process. ;)

Any time politicians are involved it is usually a mess. I am hoping the way this legislation is moving that this will not be so. But we shall see. Keep your fingers crossed for the next several months.

I am not sure if you are aware, but your county may soon be going to a county wide license. There is a very large/strong push happening as we speak and the group of people working at this seem to believe that maybe as soon as sometime in 2012 this new licensing procedure will take effect.
I am aware of it but when I see it I will believe it. I have heard this for years. All the towns and city's want there cut and there power.
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