Carry out the arc flash study on the control panel to determine whether AF label is required or not.
If the operators are properly trained personnel, no PPE may be required, if so decided by your company policy.
First, doing a study does not determine if a AF label is needed or not. What determines if a label is needed is NFPA 70E-2015 130.5(D) which in a nutshell says if the equipment is required to be examined, adjusted, serviced or maintained while energized shall be labeled. There are also requirements about what a label needs to contain.
Second, being properly trained does not mean no PPE is required. It seems absurd that there would be a company policy that states that if you are properly trained no PPE is needed.
Now back to the OP's question. Stating the transformer kVA and voltage levels implies that one is equating incident energy levels to txf size and voltage. While there are some areas that are exempt from analysis per IEEE 1584-2002, in many cases systems with larger transformers will, overall, have lower incident energies than ones will smaller transformers. This is due to the larger fault, hence arcing currents, will be in the instantaneous trip regions of the protective device.
If you are using the tables in NFPA 70E, then you need to adhere to the parameters for the task chosen which would be fault current level and clearing times. If those are not known at the control panel you are working on, you can't use the tables. The other limitation on the tables is that if a specific task that is being done is not in the tables, then you cannot use the tables.
Another known weakness of the tables is that one could be wearing too much PPE or not enough PPE for the task. I seem to remember a study done that concluded the tables gave one a 50% chance of having the correct PPE on. The most certain way to protect your employees is to have a study done.
For 120Vac, this is single phase and is considered exempt but personnel should still be wearing non melting clothing and protection from shock.
Same for 24Vdc. Not sure what a pushbutton or touchscreen has to do with wearing PPE. Should be none required there.