You have pretty much the same thing with what we are talking about. A fault to ground on secondary side of the first transformer, simply gives the secondary a ground reference and not much else happens. If you intentionally ground one of the secondary leads, then fault the other lead to anything grounded - this gives you a short circuit on that secondary, current will rapidly rise to levels that may be damaging to components. That current doesn't magically appear, it is powered by the primary coil, so current in the primary will raise proportionally to the current in the secondary. If secondary current increases by a factor of 5 then primary current increases by a factor of 5.Properly selected overcurrent device in the primary will protect both. When you have a multiwire secondary you need additional secondary protection because it is possible to overload a portion of the secondary but not the primary. Example 1kva transformer with 120/240 secondary, each half of the secondary is only rated for .5 kVA. If you put a .75kVA load on one half - that half is overloaded, but primary still sees less than it's 1 kVA rating so a primary only protection device would never catch this condition.
This discussion is about a two wire system. If one had a three wire secondary then you are correct.
If two wire system throughout the setup, I don't see why disconnect for first transformer can't also be the disconnect for the second transformer. If you are feeding a second building with second transformer at second building you have to comply with art 225 and should need a disconnect but it is because of the separate building more so than because there is a transformer there.