Not to intentionally take this down a new rabbit hole, but the various responses seems to me that cutting and reconnecting as the EC is one of these 'everybody does it even though nobody should really be doing it' things. Fair statement?
When we have a like-for-like replacement (e.g. replacing obsolete 100A with new 100A service equipment), and no replacement of service riser or such, we usually cut and reconnect. This was an amperage upgrade with a new mast, and my understanding was the utility wanted to upgrade the drop (which they didn't actually end up doing, yet), and I thought we should be doing it by the book. I'm inclined to believe (based on additional information I'll refrain from sharing) that the utility's local office may be intentionally trying to discourage involving their crews. And with this experience they may achieve that with us, except when absolutely necessary, like when the drop needs to change length or move more than a few feet. I feel like we should be able to expect a higher level of service but we don't have that much clout to negotiate.