Not an instruction manual

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Re: Not an instruction manual

The concept of designing for unknown future loads and systems is called voodoo, or crystal ball gazing.

The cost of electrical installations does not permit over designing without justification.

There is no system that can not be increased in the future if needed.
Re: Not an instruction manual

Bennie, I agree, you can always increase a service. But it is much less expensive to design for expansion than redesign for lack of same.

Replacing a transformer, service, and panels is more expensive than adding a panel to an overdesigned system.

I don't go crazy tho! :p
Re: Not an instruction manual

jtb: I had your attitude when I was a young man. I soon learned that it is not necessary, or cost effective, to wire a mouse to elephant specifications. You just end up with a big mouse.

The life expectancy of everything starts when born, or put into use.

It does not work to increase load on old equipment regardless of it's rating.
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