(3) Section 250.52 Grounding Electrodes. Amended as follows:
(a) Amend 250.52(A)(3) by inserting the following: "In new construction with steel reinforced concrete footings, a concrete-encased grounding electrode connected to the grounding electrode system is required. The installation shall meet the requirements of Section 250.50. When a concrete encased electrode system is used, a minimum size of 1/2-inch reinforcing bar or rod shall be stubbed up at least 12 inches above the floor plate line or floor level, whichever is the highest, near the service entrance panel location."
(b) Amend 250.52(B)(2) by inserting the following: "(3) In existing electrical installations, when a service change or upgrade occurs, an existing metal underground water pipe shall not be used unless the metal underground water pipe has been verified as suitable for continued use as a grounding electrode. An existing metal underground water pipe shall be bonded to the new grounding electrode system as required by 250.104(A)."
(4) Section 250.56 Resistance of Rod, Pipe, and Plate Electrodes. Amend by inserting the following at the end of the first sentence of 250.56: "For permanent installations where the only grounding electrode is a single ground rod, pipe or plate, documented verification of 25 ohms or less shall be provided. Documented verification shall be done by a recognized method, provided by the installer, and made available for the electrical inspector."