Re: open neutral and energy usage
Chevy,her is my take of what happened.Neutral was lost ahead of meter,due to loss of neutral loads in the house are now going to receive a voltage in the 200+ volt range.This will occur because of common connection on neutral bus and high ohms on the ground rod.The circuit will now be from hot through load to neutral bus and back to another load to opposing phase.The loads were connected in parallel between the hot and neutral before the neutral was lost,now they are connected in parallel between the two phases.Parallel connection of the loads greatly reduces the resistance and now the voltage is also doubled.this will increase power usage and usually results in many burned up appliances. Depending on how much resistance is in the circuit and other factors such as how good of ground rod connection you have,how wet etc.,and is the neutral totally interrupted.
The service on a house is basically a large multiwire circuit.This happened to my house a few years back.My wife ran out of the house screaming the house is on fire,everything is blowing up.I was outside working on the car.I ran inside the house and looked,the light bulbs were very bright and some of them were exploding.I recognized the problem and rushed outside and cut off the main breaker,then went in the house and put out the fire in the carpet,caused by an exploding surge arrestor on my computer.I lost many appliances etc. but was in general very thankful that i was an electrician and at home at the time.If you put the pencil to it i beleive that you will find that in this scenario with a given resistance power usage increases 4x.