now that i'm retired i work mostly alone =)
but i have to wrestle
275 calculated amps about 35 feet thru three sweeps
standing in a snorkel basket
I have a feeling it is nice and easier to run 300 copper.
If I want it to go real smooth I could use a 2/5" periscope but that is alot to wrestle
300mcm or parallel 1/0?
in one pipe or two??
upsize for single pipe?
sweep or mogul
- Single pipe run in 2'' [fill 33%] with either 1/0 or 300 Cu
- Or Parallel 1-1/4” pipe runs instead in one pipe [fill 33%]
- or two keeping em grouped
- Or Parallel 1-1/4” pipe runs instead in one pipe [fill 33%]
- mogul LBs or sweeps?
- could even strip the neutral with the 300 to reduce the fill in the 2" RMC if needed