Personal announcement

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For the last few months I have been dealing with a pinched nerve in my back. I am in pain most of the time and it is very difficult to walk right now, but I get up every morning and go to work and I go bowl every Tuesday night, and golf when I can.

One day I was at the doctor and he said, I know how much pain you must be in yet you still smile and suffer through trying to have a good time, why?. I said, doctor, there are people that are far worse off than I am.

Sir I wish you a speedy recovery and a hope that you can smile everyday. Please keep us posted as to your progress.
I will be thinking of you when i say a prayer tonight.
you have answered many posts here, mine included.
best wishes.

Laszlo -
Up until now I've always enjoyed your postings. Not really enjoying this one, but we all appreciate you sharing a difficult, personal issue with us.
I've never seen you back down from anything here on the Forum, and it looks like you're facing this with the same attitude. It's time to call up your signature line and Declare War.
I've heard great things about the treatment options available in Houston.
Peace to you, my brother.
My prayers are with you as well kind sir. I've always enjoyed your input to the forum, from the technical to the interpersonal, and I hope and will pray that your situation improves.
John M
Well chit thats a tough bit of news ,sounds as if your attitude is great.I'm only a few minutes away from Sugarland Methodist if you need and want some support. I could drag my 24/7 o2 with me and we could argue and play cards,tell lies etc.

Hope things turn out for the best for you. You and dicklaxt can meet at the hospital and evaluate the wiring and tell us what you all found wrong (or what was really cool):cool:

Sorry to hear about your bad news. My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.

Sorry to hear that Laszlo, I wish you the best of luck and a speedy recovery. My wife is an oncology nurse and has many patients that are able to beat this successfully, a positive attitude seems to be a common factor to many of those stories she shares.
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