090207-0726 EST
The Simpson is 20,000 ohms/volt on DC (a 50 microamp meter movement), and on AC it is 5,000 ohms/volt.
At the 250 range this translates to 5,000,000 megs DC, and 1.25 megs on AC.
An interesting aside. The other night I compared two Simpson 270 meters with my Fluke 27 on DC and the microamp range. One Simpson is 1961 and the other is later 60s. The 1961 is pivot and jewel, and the other is taut band. All three were within 1/2% at 50 microamps. The 1961 had a slight offset in mid range, otherwise all tracked very well.
My 1947 Simpson 260 reads 100 microamps with 98 as the input. This is still a 20,000 ohms/volt meter, but there was no 50 microamp input selection.
What is amazing is that the meter magnets have been so stable.