Piece Rates

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Ok so now your are making me wonder if my prices are correct, I bid my homes at $3 / square foot, all homes are custom built in this area, although after seeing some of the carpenters work I use the word custom loosley, a 2000 square foot home is $6000 that is ruff in and finish, light fixture are supplied by owner/builder I charge extra for communications So where am I compared to the rest of the country?
nolangro said:
Ok so now your are making me wonder if my prices are correct, I bid my homes at $3 / square foot, all homes are custom built in this area, although after seeing some of the carpenters work I use the word custom loosley, a 2000 square foot home is $6000 that is ruff in and finish, light fixture are supplied by owner/builder I charge extra for communications So where am I compared to the rest of the country?

There are many differences that will change the pricing from one area to another, local economy, employment factors, there is no one price fits all.
sparky 134 said:
I've never heard of anyone in my area doing piece work. Every electrician I know is paid hourly.
Assuming that 134 is a LU number, your shouldn't see anyone paid piece work in Illinois...it is illegal.
don_resqcapt19 said:
Assuming that 134 is a LU number, your shouldn't see anyone paid piece work in Illinois...it is illegal.

Cite law don. Piece work is not any more illegal than paying hourly or salary. There are many rules, that if not followed, violate laws. But you can legally pay piece work in all 50 states.
Maybe so, but they have made it almost impossible. If you are hiring someone and giving him a 1099(I think this is how piece work is normally paid) and not a W2, then the person you hired has to have the contractors license, insurance, workman's comp and all of the other stuff that a real contractor has to have. If they are giving the worker a W2, then the only issue is that the piece work pay has to at least equal the minimum wage.
don_resqcapt19 said:
Maybe so, but they have made it almost impossible. If you are hiring someone and giving him a 1099(I think this is how piece work is normally paid) and not a W2, then the person you hired has to have the contractors license, insurance, workman's comp and all of the other stuff that a real contractor has to have. If they are giving the worker a W2, then the only issue is that the piece work pay has to at least equal the minimum wage.

Exactly. But piecework is not illegal. Your perception of it is some cases (illegal).

In reality, every fixed price contract is piece work.
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