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Other than 334.12 (A) (10) (b) & (d) are there any other violations that you can see from the attached pictures.

Thank you,

IMO,,,you have neither one of those two. 334.12 (a) 10 (b) is for embedded,,,this is not embedded, it is drilled.

Second, all you need is duct seal for the 1/4" of cable that is in between the box and the wall,,,,once you're inside that box,,,,it's not exposed to excessive moisture or dampness
My eyes must be shot as I can't figure anything out. Looks like 2 whites and a black coming into a T-11 box (bell box). The insulation obviously is not in site so there is an issue with that.

I would question whether or not the UF is subject to physical damage. Heck it is behind the units and not likely to get damaged, IMO. SE cable is more exposed then that and the insulation is not as tough as UF.

Not sure what the mess is under the bell box.
Other than 334.12 (A) (10) (b) & (d) are there any other violations that you can see from the attached pictures.

Thank you,

in the 08
334.12(B) (4) would exclude Type NM, regardles of the condition of the displayed sheath.
My eyes must be shot as I can't figure anything out. Looks like 2 whites and a black coming into a T-11 box (bell box). The insulation obviously is not in site so there is an issue with that.

I would question whether or not the UF is subject to physical damage. Heck it is behind the units and not likely to get damaged, IMO. SE cable is more exposed then that and the insulation is not as tough as UF.

Not sure what the mess is under the bell box.

Although I agree,,,there is not an inspector around here that passes UF going to outdoor units. They are suject to weedeater damage.
I would never do it either. Carflex is my choice but they say that is not protection from damage either. Weedeater will eat right thru that stuff also.

I agree 100% but don't understand their mentality,,,,,,they turn down UF because of being subject to physical damage, ,,,but then they allow LFNC. It makes no sense, and seems a doulbe standard
314.17 dosn't look like 1/4 in of jacket is going to make it in the box and past the cable clamp,probably why the burn marks behind the box
110.3 (b) connectors listed for dry locations
AThey are suject to weedeater damage.

Weedeater will eat right thru that stuff also.

What kind of weedeaters do you guys use? :confused:

I would have to work hard to cut up UF or LFNC with my string trimmer.

Now if you are talking one of these ...


... all bets are off even for the refrigertion lines.
What kind of weedeaters do you guys use? :confused:

I think this is one of those things that inspectors say, For some reason the weedeater has become the culpret. I have also heard that the weedeater can cut the #6 to the ground rod. I would like to see that. I don't understand why #6 needs protection (no one has ever required that around here) but #4 doesn't.
I always thought if it were on the bottom it was fine.

I also feel that it is fine, same a regular set-screw EMT connector. No liquid water can enter.

But if we want to be picky, and I love to be picky :grin:, it is a difficult case to make that the lower plane of a small exterior enclosure is not a wet location 314.15.

Notice that it is okay in Section 312.2 for those types of enclosures, unless prohibited in the specific wiring method article.
I think the bigger problem are many NM connectors are labeled 'dry location only'.

I might argue under the switch is not a wet location but it is certainly a damp location.
:grin: Me too.

I don't think I could do that even when I run aircraft cable instead of nylon line in my trimmer. :cool:
How do you keep the cable from unraveling? Silver solder? Small crimp ferrule?

I personally don't weed eat. But my wife has a high horsepower Shindowa, generally uses a chainsaw blade. Something like aircraft cable would work well for the light stuff. What do you ue, 1/16"?

I think the bigger problem are many NM connectors are labeled 'dry location only'.

I might argue under the switch is not a wet location but it is certainly a damp location.
Agreed. That's kind of where I was going with "specific wiring method article", but sloppily, I admit.
The UF cable 340.12.9
Much of the UF available is rated sunlight-resistant. I actually would trust that to survive better that SE with the same rating.
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