pole light bases...

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We usually wing it and err on the side of overkill. An extra foot or two really doesn't add that much concrete, but we're not usually doing 40 at once either.:grin:
The highest pole we allow here is 25' measured from grade. Most are 14' and we still have about 4' in the ground and 2' above and they have to be engineered.

I hope you are talking about poles for parking lighting, and other similar lighting. 25 feet is not going to get the job done on some industrial sites or at a ball field, public roadway lighting is most often higher than that also.
I hope you are talking about poles for parking lighting, and other similar lighting. 25 feet is not going to get the job done on some industrial sites or at a ball field, public roadway lighting is most often higher than that also.

25' max for industrial sites, if you need more light add more poles, the height of the poles depends on the location here, close to residential it is only 14' or if close to the street. Don't do public roadway lighting, and the only ballfields that are lit here are the parks softball fields. I believe that they are 60' feet (could be 40') with 12' bases.

Our city ordinance allows 0 ft/c past the property line.
25' max for industrial sites, if you need more light add more poles, the height of the poles depends on the location here, close to residential it is only 14' or if close to the street. Don't do public roadway lighting, and the only ballfields that are lit here are the parks softball fields. I believe that they are 60' feet (could be 40') with 12' bases.

Our city ordinance allows 0 ft/c past the property line.

I can understand most locations having the 25 foot limit, but industrial can have so many possibilities for height required to illuminate anything.

You have no signs/billboards that are 25 feet or more in height?

Don't do public roadway lighting
No public roads?:)
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I can understand most locations having the 25 foot limit, but industrial can have so many possibilities for height required to illuminate anything.

You have no signs/billboards that are 25 feet or more in height?

No public roads?:)

The tallest building in town is 4 stories and we only have one of those with a sign on the side and those sizes are limited too. No billboards. The industrial we have is all pretty small, as compared to say Lockheed or something like that.

We have the roads but I don't do them and the poles are only twenty five feet and they are few and far between, put up in an almost "why bother" fashion and of course the freeway is CalTrans who we don't regulate.

But we finally did get indoor plumbin'.:)
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