Back to the original post, I found the problem, and got my company the contract for all the electrical maintenance in the center in the process. I found out the property owners previous electrician spent two days searching for the problem before I got the call. Heres what happened- I had already checked the 100A 480V lighting panel w/ integral contactor yesterday- all was fine. I identified the wires in the panel today feeding the troubled poles by checking which wires had no load. I pulled those wires off the breakers and was reading 23V between the two. As I shut off misc. other breakers for wires in the same 2" conduit going out to the pole the voltage would fluctuate on the wires I had pulled off-this is with the feed wires disconnected at the first pole. I found a spare set of wires from the 2" conduit coiled up in a trough labeled parking lot JB. I searched for over an hour with no luck finding any jb's in the lot. I then hooked an undergroung tracer to the spare lines and was able to trace the route of the conduit from the utility room, under a vacant tenant space and out into the parking lot. The conduit headed right toward the first pole (in an island)in the line that wasnt working. I decided to start digging, figuring I could cut the conduit there and put in a JB to feed the five lights with another circuit that was working. I decided to grab a ground rod and start poking around. On my fifth tap I heard a thump. I started digging and 6" under the mulch was a large JB. Opened it up, was full of water, multiple severed wires and every connection was severely corroded. Sucked the water out, remade all the connections, siliconed it up and everything works. I think Im more lucky than good-but hey whatever works. Thanks for all your input-The reply I got regarding checking the amperage of the lines turned out to save me alot of time.
BTW-I have pictures, just need to figure out the easiest way to post em-First time