Poles not working

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frogneck77 said:
OK- So they provide you with a list of contractors to pay to locate any private lines(Utilities are free)-Im sure Call Before You Dig in CT has the same policy. I should buy an underground circuit tracer on get on that list in my state

The site that I linked is one way it can be done. Anyone in Fayette County (Lexington) can call a locating service that contracts with the utility companies. To my knowledge, and when I have previously used them, I have not be charged for the service.

If you can afford a tester I'm sure you could put it to good use.
220/221 said:
I am thinking that a wire tracer would be substantially easier to transport than a compressor:grin:
The problem with the UG tracer I had was it was sendind signal through every wire in the conduit. I could easily identify wher every conduit in the parking lot was, but not any individual conduit. Ive only used those tracers 3-4 times and maybe I missed something in the instructions
Sucked the water out, remade all the connections, siliconed it up and everything works.

For now.

The most important part would have been to provide drainage so the box wouldn't fill up again. You can never really keep water out so you have to provide an exit path.

Do it on your next visit.
BackInTheHabit said:
Haven't blown any water out as of yet. Wires we pulled last week had about 40 gallons that came out we we pulled in the new wire.

Never been there, done that. But back in the 'ol days we had one of those spiffy new CO2 tanks. Blew a slug of real nasty black water all over the lobby wallpaper and carpet of an almost completed upscale hotel in Washington DC.

That is what memories are made of kids . . .

Sorry for the hijack, looks like this thread has about petered out.

Best Wishes Everyone
frogneck77 said:
I go to one of the poles not working and Im testing 200V to ground on each of two phase legs coming in(480V fixtures), and nothing between phases.
That's loss of one line and reading the voltage through the load.
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