Post Roughing Inspection Flag

In Washington State, every inspection, up to the final building inspection, is a courtesy. Anything found up to that point may be open to compliance. Additionally, anything found not to comply with the code enforced at the time is open to litigation. Just because the inspector didn't catch it doesn't mean you are off the hook.
Hence why inspection are just another tax on the every day American. Cost me money and get nothing out of it
That has been BLACK LETTER LAW for a very long time. The US Supreme Court has taken it up and decided exactly as the previous supreme court justices did. "A Duty To All Is A Duty To None." The State's duty to its citizenry to carry out the enforcement of its laws fairly and equitably does not create a duty to any individual. That inspector isn't there to protect you from your own misjudgment or misfortune. The States police powers cannot be exorcised in that manor. The State's policing power is not intended to protect individuals from the consequences of their own actions.

[Black letter law refers to well-established legal principles that are no longer subject to reasonable dispute.]

Consider this. Why do firefighters have a DUTY to break in your door, smash all of your windows, cut large holes in your roof, and cover everything you own with copious amounts of water; which may include penetrating agents which will make the water damage worse; and apply chemical foaming agents that can make everything it lands on worthless.

They have a DUTY to do so because fire suppression is an exercise of the police power of the State. In the legal sense Public Fire Services do not exist to preserve you nor your property from the consequences of your misfortune or negligence. The General Duty is to protect the other members of your community from your misfortune or negligence. Sometimes the most effective way to do that will result in the preservation of much of your home and its contents. To avoid killing you when the fire has not already done so they will conduct a search of every compartment, mostly in the form of habitable rooms, to which they can actually make survivable entry, to find and remove anyone who's life can be preserved. But doing so is done to avoid fire suppression efforts becoming the cause additional deaths and injuries rather than because of any duty to the trapped individuals.

Tom Horne
That has been BLACK LETTER LAW for a very long time. The US Supreme Court has taken it up and decided exactly as the previous supreme court justices did. "A Duty To All Is A Duty To None." The State's duty to its citizenry to carry out the enforcement of its laws fairly and equitably does not create a duty to any individual. That inspector isn't there to protect you from your own misjudgment or misfortune. The States police powers cannot be exorcised in that manor. The State's policing power is not intended to protect individuals from the consequences of their own actions.

[Black letter law refers to well-established legal principles that are no longer subject to reasonable dispute.]

Consider this. Why do firefighters have a DUTY to break in your door, smash all of your windows, cut large holes in your roof, and cover everything you own with copious amounts of water; which may include penetrating agents which will make the water damage worse; and apply chemical foaming agents that can make everything it lands on worthless.

They have a DUTY to do so because fire suppression is an exercise of the police power of the State. In the legal sense Public Fire Services do not exist to preserve you nor your property from the consequences of your misfortune or negligence. The General Duty is to protect the other members of your community from your misfortune or negligence. Sometimes the most effective way to do that will result in the preservation of much of your home and its contents. To avoid killing you when the fire has not already done so they will conduct a search of every compartment, mostly in the form of habitable rooms, to which they can actually make survivable entry, to find and remove anyone who's life can be preserved. But doing so is done to avoid fire suppression efforts becoming the cause additional deaths and injuries rather than because of any duty to the trapped individuals.

Tom Horne
This is a good listen:

That has been BLACK LETTER LAW for a very long time. The US Supreme Court has taken it up and decided exactly as the previous supreme court justices did. "A Duty To All Is A Duty To None." The State's duty to its citizenry to carry out the enforcement of its laws fairly and equitably does not create a duty to any individual. That inspector isn't there to protect you from your own misjudgment or misfortune. The States police powers cannot be exorcised in that manor. The State's policing power is not intended to protect individuals from the consequences of their own actions.

[Black letter law refers to well-established legal principles that are no longer subject to reasonable dispute.]

Consider this. Why do firefighters have a DUTY to break in your door, smash all of your windows, cut large holes in your roof, and cover everything you own with copious amounts of water; which may include penetrating agents which will make the water damage worse; and apply chemical foaming agents that can make everything it lands on worthless.

They have a DUTY to do so because fire suppression is an exercise of the police power of the State. In the legal sense Public Fire Services do not exist to preserve you nor your property from the consequences of your misfortune or negligence. The General Duty is to protect the other members of your community from your misfortune or negligence. Sometimes the most effective way to do that will result in the preservation of much of your home and its contents. To avoid killing you when the fire has not already done so they will conduct a search of every compartment, mostly in the form of habitable rooms, to which they can actually make survivable entry, to find and remove anyone who's life can be preserved. But doing so is done to avoid fire suppression efforts becoming the cause additional deaths and injuries rather than because of any duty to the trapped individuals.

Tom Horne
your point. kinda goes with mine point. they can misses a ton of issue and not be held liable.
Kinda sounds like Mafi. Scratch the “sounds”
your point. kinda goes with mine point. they can misses a ton of issue and not be held liable.
Kinda sounds like Mafi. Scratch the “sounds”
However badly or inadequately I explained it the principal comes down to this. The inspector is not there for your benefit! They are there to protect the present and future owners, who lack the knowledge to do it themselves, from an electrical system installation which is likely to ignite a structure or ground cover fire and to protect the present and future occupants and visitors from the danger of contact with energized conductive surfaces.

Tom Horne
They have no liability as others are saying so why do they care they get paid either way. Now make them liable and then watch them find things.
Systems a scam like the code making panel
Are you ready for $1,000 permits for SFR cover inspections that last 4 hours?
Yes, the inspector should have caught it, but he probably had 20 other inspections on the same day and he's trying to do the best he can with the time he has. Most departments are short staffed, and wages don't keep up with the real world, so younger inspectors are quitting and going back to the trade. That leaves more work for those trying to hang in until they can get their pension. And realistically, who would want to take a government job in this political climate.

The reality is that he walked past it once and missed the violation. You walked past is dozens of times over more than one day and missed it.
Yes, the inspector should have caught it, but he probably had 20 other inspections on the same day and he's trying to do the best he can with the time he has. Most departments are short staffed, and wages don't keep up with the real world, so younger inspectors are quitting and going back to the trade. That leaves more work for those trying to hang in until they can get their pension. And realistically, who would want to take a government job in this political climate.

The reality is that he walked past it once and missed the violation. You walked past is dozens of times over more than one day and missed it.
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