And the fact that the cord supplies the wiring inside the wall is what makes it a violation.
That would still be using a cord as a substitute for permanent wiring.
Which specfic reference is this to support? How is this a substitute as defined to the structure wiring, if it has existing premise wiring, it cannot be a substitute if permanent wiring exists within the structure.
Extending power to an appliance or other equipment is not the same as extending power to wiring installed in the wall. I have difficultly understanding why you don't see this code as a substitute for permanent wiring.
Same, which specfic reference is this to support? How is this a substitute as defined to the structure wiring, if it has existing premise wiring, it cannot be a substitute if permanent wiring exists within the structure. Sorry, without specific wording as your bias claims I cannot accept your bias against using cords as permitted in 400.7 and to meet the product used Listing as an assembly. Listing is relevant as long as it can be applied to Code as reference.
That is not supplying power to wiring installed in the wall. Even that use, if installed in a raceway, would be stretching the code ruies for use of flexible cord.
Which specfic reference is this to support any stretching of the interpetation of the rules? Which rules are being stretched? Please cite reference to support the uses not permitted for Raceway and a flexible cord together.
I can't see any stretch of the rules in 400.7 and 400.8 that can be used to make this product legal
To apply 400.8, 400.7 needs to be accepted for uses permitted as 400.8 has a preclusive clause regarding 400.7.
You claim no cords should be use to extend circuit power, so your bias is 400.7 should not exist at all? Then 400.8 is not applicable either.
It is very very clearly a substitute for premise wiring and nothing in the listing can change that.
Same, which specfic reference is this to very very CLEARLY support? How is this a substitute as defined to the structure premise wiring. What definition exists to support, if the structure has existing premise wiring, it cannot be a substitute if permanent wiring exists within the structure.
The fact that it supplies wiring inside the wall is what makes the use of this product a code violation.
Which specfic reference is this to factually support this claim? Where in Code is the support to supply wiring inside the wall to compliant method 3 wiring is not permitted with an inlet from a cord within the structure.