Two old works cut into a wall, connected with NM and equipped with devices is IMO permanent (as it gets) wiring.
Even if it's isolated from the premises wiring? What about a length of NM used for other wiring?
If the above is not permanent wiring what would you call permanent wiring? Must it be superglued to the structure?
Again, for 'permanent,' I'm not as concerned about its physical attachment as I am about it not being hard-wired to the premises wiring.
Okay, step by step, tell me the point it becomes an NEC issue at all, and when it becomes a violation:
1. Punch two holes in the wall.
2. Insert a length of NM hole to hole.
3. Insert each end in an old work box.
4. Attach the boxes to the drywall.
5. Install a receptacle and plate in one box.
6. Hand and plug in the TV.
7. Install an inlet in the other box.
8. Push a female cord end onto the inlet.
9. Plug male cord end into a surge strip or UPS.
10. Plug the strip or UPS into a nearby receptacle.
Some cannot per UL but this product is not an appliance to the NEC anyway.
Not relevant to my arguments.
One last thing Larry ..... can you learn to use the multi-quote feature? :grin::grin:
Nope, I haven't figured that one out yet.
Actually, I do combine them when quoting one person, even if they're from separate posts. And, to be honest, Bob, I have seen you post several responses in a row when each is quoting a separate post. :roll:
Plus, I understand you're concerned about maintaining your leadership in the post count, but I'll never match your posts-per-day rate anyway, so you're safe.