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I have to applaud all here as to the professional conduct you have shown me while being gracious, tolerant, and thoughful to your acceptance of someone like me, representing a manufacture.
I hope I've extended half as much courtesy to you as you have shown me.
With that said, the respect you all have to assist the OP, (who was not me), since has not offered any further comment. His question originates to the use allowable of this type of "kit" installation, specifically the use of a flexible cord, citing 400.8(1) as Substitute of a structures wiring.
We have thusfar addressed many opinions as to the cord, the inlet, controllers, ect and the applied wiring methods. It has bounced around a lot and perhaps losing its track.
If I may, inquire a set of questions in succession to assist with a clearer view of possible applications of the NEC of this type of installation.
Moderators: If this is not allowable, please advise and remove.
By method of installation:
Connection, by acceptable methods to meet Code and AHJ requirements, with NM or MC wire/cable; one (1) listed device (5-15R) outlet receptacle, directly to one (1) listed device (5-15P) inlet together by means of connection to the conductors of each device.
Both above devices shall be installed in respective junction boxes within the structures walls or ceilings.
Both ends shall be DEAD-FRONT, No wired connection shall exist to or from the Premise Wiring Circuit or Service Panel.
Is this as cited by Definition:
Branch Circuit?
Branch Circuit Extension?
Branch Circuit, Appliance?
Branch Circuit, General Purpose?
Branch Circuit Individual?
Something else?
Permitted as cited: Y N
Is this assembly, "part of" the structure?