Practice Test question I'm stumped on!

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In order for the load to be evenly distributed among the general illumination circuits as required by 210.11(B), which general illumination circuit(s) would supply the show window?
Didn't refresh my browser to see you made this post before my last one.

First question, where does it say in 210.11(B) that the loads must be evenly distributed among general lighting load circuits? ...and backing up a little, where does it say the general lighting loads have to be on separate circuits?

What it does say is that loads calculated by floor area must be evenly distributed up to and including the panelboard. It does not say how the branch circuits are to be distributed from the panelboard. Example: Total service GL for 10,000ft? is 30,000VA. The service splits into two subpanels, each covering 5,000ft?. 15,000VA must be distributed to each panelboard for GL purposes. If the GL connected load is less than the calculated load, each panelboard must carry half the connected load, too.
It says the load calculated on a square foot basis must be evenly proportioned among the multioutlet branch circuits within the panelboard. I took this to mean that you must evenly distribute the load on the branch circuits themselves.
It says the load calculated on a square foot basis must be evenly proportioned among the multioutlet branch circuits within the panelboard. I took this to mean that you must evenly distribute the load on the branch circuits themselves.
Yes, evenly proportioned among multioutlet branch-circuits within the panelboard(s). Aren't show window loads typically one or more multioutlet branch circuits? In other words, the GL loads can evenly proportioned on any circuit that is not for dedicated equipment, i.e. an otherwise single outlet circuit, since they would be multioutlet upon adding the area load.

Upon contemplating the issue, one must ask just exactly what is meant by evenly proportioned...???
I agree that it is a multioutlet circuit. In all of the examples I have ever seen these items were always calculated separately. I will concede that intellectually that is a pretty feeble argument. Please consider the source.
I agree that it is a multioutlet circuit. In all of the examples I have ever seen these items were always calculated separately. I will concede that intellectually that is a pretty feeble argument. Please consider the source.
The calculations are done separately. As for load proportioning on branch circuits, I too once put it that way, and was on the losing side of the argument ;)
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