Pull box every 200'

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Feeling stupid this morning...

Is there an NEC requirement for a pull box every 200' of conduit?

(A little background, I have an engineer who insisted that it is in the NEC but can not give me a reference and I cant find one either.)
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Feeling stupid this morning...

Is there an NEC requirement for a pull box every 200' of conduit?

(A little background, I have an engineer who insisted that it is in the NEC but can not give me a reference and I cant find one either.)

He may have referred to an Specification either by the Engineering firm or the Owner. If he insist that it is in the NEC, he should be fired as an electrical engineer. If he is an other type engineer, he should be not-so politely asked to mind his own #%^$@ business.
weressl has a good point, you might be surprised how little some engineers know about code.

This is a owner's representative doing an inspection on a design build where I had some control over the specs; so it is absolutely not written in the specs.

As a side note we also had an interesting conversation about voltage drop and FPNs. My foreman sized everything for 5% and this nimwit insisted that 3% was a code mandate.

Winning friend and influencing people can be a real pain sometimes.
Well i had to post because its my first post that i actually agree totally with every post just a joke guys !:grin:

Now you may not believe this but most of our runs are between 385 ft 600 ft on a length average .

We only install a pull box if the bends exceed more than two 90 s in a run company rules .

Or if the engineer specs state it .

Now i had once a 1100 foot run no box two 90 elbows rigid conduit .

What we do is up size the conduit and use rigid 90 s or use sweeps

You can use one rigid elbow on one side if you plan on pulling from that side only .

We install polyline with a 120 lb air compressor normally .

But sometimes its a tuff pipe real long polyline cant pull or breaks during a rope pull so we shoot a stainless steel aircraft cable down that pipe at a higher pressure lets say 180lbs .

Take care be safe
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