macmikeman said:I price my service work at just a tad under $200 an hour, based on a careful calculation of my overhead, my desire to live in the manner I set my goal to, and a bit of a hedge for inflation and underbidding hours required to complete some jobs. I have learned how to always flat rate quote this work no matter what the customer wants out of me. I bid my remodel and construction wiring at a tad over $100 an hour based on a more productive day. I get my share of rejections, and I have all the work I can do. I am a one man shop. I job cost everything afterwards just to compare it to the estimates to make sure I am getting what I expected to get from each job. When I don't I adjust. Now if I can do it, and I am just an average old ex stoner, not particularly brilliant like Mahlere or Mr. Haskins, why can't you? It's because you won't let yourself try thats why.
Nah, Haskins has me beat...