Permits, are not issued, to make money for the city, the inspection departments are not a profit center, the lot and block information is for tax recording, years ago this charge went on the tax books as an improvement, and did increase the overall tax amount, today cities record these improvements, and adjust the tax for these improvements, however, with revaluation every 5 years, this amount is adjusted, and after 5 years it is a wash, so anyone worried about their taxes going up do to filing a permit is just shooting their own foot off.
The main reason for inspections is to keep the homeowners insurance whole, should you do a job without a permit, you are exposing the homowner to loss of coverage, on their largest investment, their home, consider the liability you will be exposed to, if the unthinkable happens, i hear the old, story all the time, but it's only one outlet, yes and that may be the one that destroyes everyones life.