PV is $10K per KW for the first KW. At 5 hours insolation, that's $2K per KWH from the array, divided by 0.80 end-to-end efficiency is $2,500 per KWH. Each KW after the first goes down in cost as all of the parts are required even if you've just got a single panel on the roof.
All that's left is deciding how many days the hardware lasts and you've got the cost. For larger systems -- 3KW arrays -- I've heard the cost per KWH is about $0.22. Not the most cost competitive, but I pay $0.14 / KWH as it is. I used 15KWH yesterday, so the difference would be 15KWH times the cost difference -- 15 * $0.08 = $1.20. I think I can afford $1.20 a day ...
(And I just checked my logs from yesterday -- 77% efficient from the array to the inverter outputs.)