Wind Energy
Wind Energy
Hello all,
My two cents
Many times when you see a bunch of turbines that are not turning when there is a high amount of wind it could be that the site is not commissioned, or in commercial operation yet.
Wind turbine generators (WTG) do not require a fuel source so they are some of the cheapest sources of power in terms of economic dispatch. In most cases (in the US) if there is wind power injected into a system the conventional generators that are acting as load-following and regulating units will be required to respond by reducing output.
Probabilistic and statistical methods are used to predict the forecasted load, and also the forecasted wind penetration. This information provides insight on how much power will be needed by load-following and regulating units. Keep in mind that there is a month-ahead, day-ahead, hourly, and a spot market for power that is managed by a system operator.
In areas like the pacific northwest (Columbia River Basin) this causes great concern as they have a large amount of hydro, and also a large amount of wind sites. Dispatching hydro is very complicated, and I am not sure they want to use it to follow the large ramp-rates that the wind sites can have.
Back to the generation/load balancing act- generation always should be equal to the load in an interconnect, or at least this is the desired situation. When this is not true the frequency will be affected. In the Eastern Interconnect the machine inertia is so high that it would take a VERY large loss-of-load, or loss-of-generation to effect the frequency in a significant manner.
Typically if there is an unbalance in a "control area" machines in that area will be required to respond. This is done by monitoring tie-lines, and using a frequency bias. System operators use what is called ACE (area control error) that quantifies the difference between what is scheduled and what is actually flowing to neighboring control areas, and overall system frequency deviation (away from 60 Hz). ACE = delta P + B * delta frequency. Note that a frequency bias is used as it is not otherwise possible to add items with different units
When there is a large unbalance the first thing to occur is generator governor action. This is a very fast response. The system is brought back to very close to 60 Hz, but the ACE signal mentioned above is used to "reset the system, as it is fed into an Integrator control loop.
It is possible to see what a hot tub will do to an interconnect, but you will need to know you systems total inertia, and make some assumptions about how the machines will react. Any takers?
OK I will stop rambling
