A positive ion is any atom or molecule that has fewer electrons than protons. This would include a single proton (a Hydrogen atom missing its electron), but would also include something like a Sodium atom missing only one electron. (11 protons, 12 neutrons, 10 electrons all operating together is Na+)
If you are talking wet chemistry, then positive ions can move around in a solution, and will eventually combine with other charged particles to form a neutral atom or compound. A positive ion moving around in solution (as in a battery) does not move with nearly enough energy to be involved in a nuclear reaction. You are not going to turn Lead into Gold in a wet chemistry reaction.
A particle accelerator operating at high enough energies could transmute elements. Particle accelerators require charged particles, such as electrons or protons, and use strong electric and magnetic fields to accelerate these particles to very high speeds. Get a proton or an electron or anything else up to high enough energy levels and they can cause nuclear reactions. See a writeup on a Bismuth to Gold experiment:
A particle accelerator beam is made up of anything other then electrons is still an example of a flow of current.