question??? / RHW - IMC Fill

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I thought the -2 suffix meant the dry temperature rating also applies in wet applications.
It does mean that when the conductor has a wet and a dry rating, and that is way I qualified my comment with "for this insulation type".

RHW only has a single rating of 75?C for both wet and dry locations. RHW-2 has a single rating of 90?C for both wet an dry locations. Now if you look at THW, you will find that it has a wet location rating of 75?C and and a dry location rating of 90?C. The addition of the "-2" to the THW does mean that it has a 90?C rating for both wet and dry locations.
Using the 2008 NEC looking at Table 5 on page 70-676.

RHW-2* = 0.0353

At the bottom of Table 5 on page 70-679 it tells us

Page 70-722 is in Annex C and is not part of the code.
read entire thread, no need for comment
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Just to make it clear, the Tables have errors in them and are not part of the code.

If you are being tested you should do the math yourself.

Thanks i know about the tables and when i took my masters there there were 3 questions and answers forced you to do the math:grin:
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