I'm trying to follow the logic here. If you are using EMT and a metal 4" sq. JB then you are not required to use a bonding jumper when you are installing a receptacle in a raised cover. I'm guessing the same logic applies if you're installing a receptacle into a recessed metal gem box. In that case, you would have to use a self-grounding receptacle in order to insure a proper ground. In either case, if you pulled the receptacle out that receptacle would no longer be grounded (but that's scenario when using IF for another thread).
Now, if you're running MC cable, the grounds have to be spliced through with a pig-tail to a grounding screw in the box. I'm guessing the same logic would apply to grounding the actual receptacle would it not ?
If your running MC cable, It's no different than running EMT. The EGC in the MC still has to bond to the box, and, if the same scenario as we've been discussing you still wouldn't have to put a jumper from the box to the receptacle since the metallic jacket on MC is also and allowed EGC as long as installed properly.