I figure there aught to be a lighting design forum.... It would be one where all of our answers are not the same..... :grin:
That said, I have worked with some really good lighting designers - a few published authors in the field. And I'll tell you most of us have more experiance in what pleases the customer or not than they do.... :roll: We get the complaints....
Let me put on my lisp....
[tightjawedlispandhandgestures]It truely depends on the taste and needs of the customer. Direct overlapping throws for reading and task lighting, as well as object de art lighting as well. When I hear the term 'general lighting' I would assume you want light everywhere? And for that I would suggest the use of clear specular trims to maximize beam spread in say a 4" par20 fixture, and in a quanity to be determined by the lamp and fixture combination room dimentions and of course most importantly cieling hieght. Now, before I continue to suggest 'general lighting', might I ask what the use and activity of this room would be used for? [/tightjawedlispandhandgestures]
Black trims are used for direct spot lighting where you do not want light light bleeding away from the area you direct it at.
White or matte specular trims for when you want to spread it around a bit with low cielings etc - lamp deep in the trim. With higher cielings lower in the trim - at which point the trim is only for appearance. Or you could go deeper to reduce glare...
Clear and matte/semi specular reflector trims will make best use of both direct light, and the reflected light of the trim - usually thowing at exreamly wide scallopes ~85 degrees from the trim itself, and best for 'general lighting' of areas with low cielings IMO. Use Clear if glare is not a problem, and matte/semi if it is an issue.
Other factors to consider in recessed fixtures is glare, cut-off and scalloping.
Glare is self-explaining, cut-off is the angle the lamp is throwing direct light from the fixture, and determines if the lamp will be seen by the eye, if sitting or standing it will differ, and determine glare if placement is not correct.
Scalloping is that arch effect seen on walls and other vertical surfaces. Some people like it, some HATE it. There are two types, direct (hot spotting type) and indirect the later determined by the choice of trim. Black will have little secondary indirect light, and more reflective the trim the more indirect light will end up in the wall. The angle and radius of the scallop are determined by the distance from the wall to the can. Closer = higher - further = lower. Make what you will of this effect - but do it wisely. If your cans are not equally spaced the scallops won't be either.... If too close - they hot spot areas of the wall higher and glare from light colored surfaces.
FYI you could get used to taking a look at the photometric graphs on the spec sheets fixtures you install and get a better idea of how other fixtures will have different effects... Or you could do what this old school guy I worked for did - bring a light on a pole and a few trims to show the customer.... :grin: "So you want them about here???"