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Huh Just thinking back for this answer--20 years ago I moved back to Montana and had a Wash State Jman -- Montana gave me a MT State Jman by reciprocity becuase i had tested in Wa for my card here--

Man was that really 20 years ago to 1992!!??

The question and topic of this thread is whether or not you could get another state license using the Montana license.
Did you continue to renew the WA license as needed?
I do know that a Florida unlimited license is accepted in Al.This is what my company has and Al. accepts this without prejudice.There isn't any test that I have taken to maintain this license for Al .Once proof is shown that all the paper work is legitimate then you're an electrical contractor in Al.
I do know that a Florida unlimited license is accepted in Al.This is what my company has and Al. accepts this without prejudice.There isn't any test that I have taken to maintain this license for Al .Once proof is shown that all the paper work is legitimate then you're an electrical contractor in Al.
Check into how FL repays AL in reciprocity.

So is there a nationally recognized test that can be taken an accepted anywhere?

just to add ... I took the Block test for JM , Prometric for Masters was told would be accepted bout everywhere, maybe they meant this state IDK
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I see so the NEC changes from state to state?

NEC is the NEC but each state can have their own amendments, as well as other laws outside the scope of the NEC.

Some places do not even adopt the NEC as their standard. Not all have same qualification requirements to even apply for obtaining a particular license. Not all places that do use the NEC are currently using the same edition of the NEC either. Some are using 2011, and there very well may be some still using 2002 or even earlier.
The question and topic of this thread is whether or not you could get another state license using the Montana license.
Did you continue to renew the WA license as needed?

kwired, It would depend on the State--MT required you to get the original License by Exam, for instance if I had gotten my Wa by reciprocity then MT would not have accepted my WA license. I have not heard of any state that would grant reciprocity from a license granted by reciprocity.

Now I'm scratchin' my head and I know what I was trying to say!!

And in answer to your question--I moved again, back East, and could not keep up with the CEUs, so I let both lapse. I had to retest when I came back out here (Wa).
Most all awnsers are correct.
Some States req. Helpers to have a card some do not
Some states Req. Jm. for 3-8 helpers He must take a test
Some states Req. a Master Some call it a Contractors Lic.
Some states Req. Both a Master and Contractor that must pass a test.
There are a few Master/Contractors that were in Buss before a State Lic was mandatory.( Texes comes to mind ) if you had passed a Local Lic befor the state lic was in place you could get a state Master Lic. BUT La. would not honor it. if you pass the Tx. test they will Honor Tx.
they have a Grandfather Lic. Most other states WILL NOT except this Lic. for reciprocity.
If you test in Ga. and PASS you can get a Lic in Al. if you are Grand Fathered in Ga you CAN NOT
get a Lic . in Al the same is tru for all states I know of.
The State in the Mid west have a Multi state Recipocity for Jm ONLY. Ok>Mont. In think there is about 12- 13 states that are involved in this.
If a State say Ark. will Honor Al. Then Al will Honor Ark.
some states do not say they honor a stste but, they do honor it is gust not on there web site.
If I want a Lic in a state the first thing I do is call that state and ASK!!!!!!! It will save a lot of time.
Al. is the one state that Honors the most states Al> Ark.La.Ms.Tn.Ga.Nc.Sc.Va. MASTERS Lic.
some of these states will Req. you to pass a Buss. law for that state.
In Ga if you want a Fl you must have a high and low voltage Lic to get a Fl bey Reciprocity.
One last thing if I have passed a Al. and got a Va. master from Reciprocity. Wv. and Md will NOT give Me a Lic without testing. some call it a double hopping. No state will do this that I know of.
Also some states to have your Lic 1-3 years in the state you tested in to get there Lic.
I hope this will help
Good Luck.
Ps No Nat. Lic. are given (Block stoped giving the test years ago that was good for about 20 states)


Most states will only issue a reciprocal lic, if you tested for the lic in that state. not double reciprocity. and in Oregon's case you have to of held the lic for 6 months.
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