The Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Boundary is the distance from the arc source at which the Arc Thermal Energy becomes less than or equal to 1.2 calories/Cm
2. The boundaries are established for the safety of the worker who must perform tasks near known arc flash hazards.
Formula for Calculating Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Boundaries
For calculating the Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Boundary, the formula below can be used. Or use a software package as referenced in this section to calculate the Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Boundary. Or use Table 1 in this section to establish the Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Boundary.
The Formula
Dc = [2.65 x MVABF x t}1/2 This formula is used when Short Circuit Current (Isc) is known.
? Dc represents the distance (in feet) of a person from an arc source for curable second-degree burns
? t equals the time (in seconds) of arc exposure.
? MVABF is the bolted fault MVA (megavolt-amperes) at the point involved.
? MVA equals the MVA rating of transformer (for transformers with MVA ratings below 0.75 MVA, multiply the transformer rating by 1.25). The MVA value is used only in simple, one-transformer calculations.
Performing an Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Boundary Calculation
Given the following information, calculate the Arc Flash Hazard Boundary.
? 50 MVA transformer (base MVA of 50)
? Impedance (Z) of 6.75% on a 13,800 volt bus.
? Fault clearance time (t) of 6 cycles (0.1 seconds for 60Hz).
Table 1.
Step 1- Calculate the bolted fault MVABF | MVABF = MVABASE/Z | 50/.0675 = 741 |
Step 2- Calculate the flash hazard boundary (Dc) | Dc = [2.65 x MVABF x t]1/2 | [2.65 x 741F x 0.1]1/2 = 14 |
Calculate the Short Circuit Current | Isc = (MVABF / (?3 x bus voltage)) x 1,000,000 | (741/(?3 x 13,800)) x 1,000,000 = 31,000 |
? D
c represents the distance (in feet) of a person from an arc source for curable second-degree burns
? t equals the time (in seconds) of arc exposure.
BF is the bolted fault MVA (megavolt-amperes) at the point involved.
? Z = Transformer Impedance
? Isc = Short Circuit Current
? ? is the square root
Formula for Calculating Arc Thermal Energy for 600 volts or less in Open Air
EMA = 5271 x DA-1.9593 x tA x [0.0016F2 - 0.0076F + 0.8938]
EMA = maximum open Arc Thermal Energy in calories/cm2
DA= distance in inches from the arc source to the worker's torso. Valid for distance of 18" and greater.
TA = arc duration in seconds
F = bolted fault short circuit current in kA (valid for 16 to 50 kA).
Formula for Calculating Arc Thermal Energy for 600 volts or less in a Box
EMB = 1038.7 x DB-1.4738 x tA x [0-0093F2 - 0.3453F + 5.9675]
EMB = maximum 20-inch cubic box Arc Thermal Energy in calories/cm2
DB = distance in inches from the arc source to the worker's torso. Valid for distance of 18" and greater.
TA = arc duration in seconds
F = bolted fault short circuit current in kA (valid for 16 to 50 kA).