Reporting Unlicensed Electricians?

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tmbrk said:
I haven't caught any unlicensed guys redhanded doing work yet, but I have called in homeowners who did not get a permit.

One time a woman called me on a Weds. to come out and give her a price for an aboveground pool circuit. Made an appointment for Fri. When I got out there the work was already done. I told her she could have given me a call to cancel and she laughed at me. I then noticed there was no permit and no fence. After I called it in I'm sure she wasn't laughing anymore. It was the absence of a fence that really got me cause that is an accident waiting to happen.

Absolutely, when some neighbors who refuse to raise and properly supervise their own children "accidentally" wander into your backyard aboveground pool?

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?


Senior Member


satcom said:
Are you licensed, did you test for and pass the required exams, do you pay all the required insurances and bonds, do you pay all your federal, and state taxes, do you pay for a business permit?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes...All of the above


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Loffgren said:
satcom said:
Are you licensed, did you test for and pass the required exams, do you pay all the required insurances and bonds, do you pay all your federal, and state taxes, do you pay for a business permit?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes...All of the above

So you are following all the rules, you have an intrest in keeping the industry clean, what you do as far as reporting is a personal decision.


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LawnGuyLandSparky said:
Absolutely, when some neighbors who refuse to raise and properly supervise their own children "accidentally" wander into your backyard aboveground pool?

Whatever happened to personal responsibility?

Don't you think it is personal responsibility to follow the law and get a permit?

Wait. I forgot who I was talking to. Of course you don't.;)
I lost 4 homes to a Stucco contractor using his "buddy's" license. This clown hasn't even got a residential journeyman license, and he's coming after my jobs..... Don't expect me to look the other way. The inspector passed his shoddy work, too. We can't do enough to keep this kind of thing from happening in our trade. Do customers know when they've had a good electrician... not really. They sure know it when they've had a bad one.
Sparkyrob11 said:
Do customers know when they've had a good electrician... not really.

I build custom homes and my clients always recognize the quality work and real world advice that my elec. sub provides. They pay more grudgingly at first, but soon after they realize how much better a house goes with the best people involved.


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Difference is...

Difference is...

MF Dagger said:
There sure is! And in Minnesota you get the privilege of paying fifteen bucks for a card that says that.

electricmanscott said:
You have to pay to get a card that says you are an unlicensed electrician??

That card is for "apprentices". You are then a registered unlicensed electrican. It "supposedly" helps to track the hours worked before being eligible to take the JW test.
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