Required Receptacle Locations

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I have 2 columns in a finished basement, they are 7" X 7" square and 10' from the wall. According to the NEC are receptacles required on the columns?

Something like this?-

I thought that an illustration would be helpful.
Yes it is required. You can take a chance and not place one there and see what the inspector says.

I have done that before, just ignored it to see what they would say.
If he has 7" X 7" square column he does not need a receptacle.

If he has a 3" round column wrapped with a 7" x 7" wall he needs a receptacle.

Curious as to why you think 2 items same dimention are not the same.

Becuse a wall is a wall and a column is a column.

So i can put a table and lamp next to the wraped colum but not a column that is exact same size ????

I don't know if you can or not, but I don't see how any of that has anything to do with it. :) I do not see anything in the NEC about the possibility if a table or lamp.

Something like this?-

I thought that an illustration would be helpful.

It sure is to me, that looks like a column wrapped with more than 24" of wall space and in need of at least a single receptacle on one face of it.
IMO it is the length of the outside surface measured around the object at the floor line that is the relevent characteristic, not the interior composition of the object.

I think the inspector would be just as justified in requiring the receptacle if the post was solid as he would be if it were hollow.
column? wall ? required? not required? as is obvious here, the call will vary by AHJ. Logic has no place, I know, but I will say, either (column or "wall") in a habital room in my house would end up with better half having a table or floor lamp next to it. Since one of the intentions of the Code is to avoid extension cords, I'd vote "repectacle needed" and "ask" that one go there. Would I go to war over it ? no! I'm fortunate, in "woking with" the electricans, I've found most suggestions are easily met with agreement.
IMO it is the length of the outside surface measured around the object at the floor line that is the relevant characteristic, not the interior composition of the object.

I think the inspector would be just as justified in requiring the receptacle if the post was solid as he would be if it were hollow.

I agree with the logic there but I see no words in the NEC to require receptacles at a 'column space' regardless of the columns construction.

To me a column is a specific item with a specific purpose. The purpose of all most all columns is support. Walls are more commonly used to define a space and often, but not always become a handy way to provide support.
Seems to be little argument that if after wraped and is 24 inches or more that it gets a receptacle. Why some think that the same sized object that has a primary function of support is not both a column and a wall. I agree the column might never be used for furniture or anything else but like it or not nothing stops it from being used in the same capacity that a wraped pole would be used for. The fact is NEC did not say it is wall but also never said it was not. What we have is an object that has a surface from floor to ceiling and has a floor line. Nec told us to measure along that floor line. NEC never said we can leave out a receptacle because we think it is useless, costly, or to hard to install. It simply put has an unwanted secondary function of making a wall. For what ever reason this object is there for makes no differance. I have a sructure between my kitchen and dining room. If it is there only to support the ceiling can i say it is not a wall ?
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