If the fixtures are on the emergency system in patient care areas I don't think there is a choice.
See 517.30(C)(3)
went and looked at this, and it's pretty straightforward.
(3) Listed flexible metal raceways and listed metal sheathed
cable assemblies (such as HCF Type AC cable and HCF MCAP
cable which do comply with 517.13(A) and (B) for patient care areas)
in any one of the following:
a. Where used in listed prefabricated medical headwalls
b. In listed office furnishings
c. Where fished into existing walls or ceilings, not otherwise accessible and not subject to physical damage
d. Where necessary for flexible connection to equipment
otherwise, it's gotta be hard pipe according to what i read.
this is the part i'm curious about.....
i've worked in a number of hospitals, and i've seen an awful
lot of flex whips to light fixtures in patient care areas, and
flex in general.
when did this become part of the code, the hard pipe rule?