Sacred Cows...

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emahler said:
do you think he was in the middle of reading this story? nope, he brought it back from the depths of his memory and put it to use...that's the impressive part...

Yeah, I am very impressed.
Ebooks and the web are taking ground in the book business. "Brick and motar" businesses are dealing more with web enabled and ebook editions. Any time people can get something for free, they will take advantage of it.

Depending on the type of book, I like to read an actual book.
Since I have gone to 2 sets of double screens off of 2 different computers, I have been reading more online - I especially like when I can increase the size of the font. :cool:

I would say that I have downloaded in the last few years the equivalent of many books, and 10,000s of thousands of pages of info. Over 209 gigs of info on 4 different drives.
emahler said:
you are probably my favorite person i've never met...where do you come up with this stuff?

btw- TRUTH! :D

This post makes me wonder about something... never mind.:confused:

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I love sacred cows

they taste great !

(by the way that's not a bat on my avatar, that's a meat tenderizer)
emahler said:
c'mon roger...there's a sense of humor dying to get out...let it go...:D

Not me, I say NO NO NO ;)

wirebender said:
You thinking what i'm thinking?

I was just wondering if they really have met. :grin:

I thought it said scared crows.

I told him straight up that as long as he is ignoring the NEC with pride I would be a thorn in his side.

As opposed to ignoring it in secret like everyone does to some degree?;)
emahler said:
if haskins and I are twins...I'm Arnold Schwarznegger and he's Danny Davito...:D

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