Sacred Cows...

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HaskinsElectric said:
Daedalus told Icarus not to fly too close to the sun because his wings would melt, but as we all know Icarus did not listen.

Moral of the story: Listen to emahler and you won't go wrong.
emahler said:
you are probably my favorite person i've never met...where do you come up with this stuff?

btw- TRUTH! :D

You guys do realize that Daedalus was banished for crimes at a later date....
mdshunk said:
A penny saved is a penny earned.
.......Never leave to tomorrow what you can do today.

Since we're doing Ben Franklin quotes, might as well add my favorite:

"He that lives upon hope, dies farting."

A penny saved ain't worth much unless you melt it for the copper.

No use crying over spilled milk, get another beer and shut up sissy.

Never leave to tomorrow what you can pan off on someone else to do today.
9 pages and I cant believe I read them all...who says we dont read on the internet..I just proved them wrong..A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush..I like a good book and even a long uneventful read on a forum...just leave my little angus off your diner table the horse has already been tenderized..yet we are milking this little cow for all it is I estimate this sacred cow to be alittle over 50 dollars worth of meal..who knows what destiney from birth is ??..and yet no one escapes it and yet we spend millions trying to prolong what is it your business is going to leave for your kids..and why the scrifice by you..lets think in the box for awhile..
Back to the original post...
"it's amazing how many people in this industry have a sacred cow that's untouchable......until we are willing to sacrifice our sacred cows for the good of the industry, it'll never get better..."

It is obvious that the biggest sacred cow is the National Electrical Code.
Now that the Code making panels are mere tools of the lobbyists - er -manufacturers, it is time we get something better.

I would like to see something well written [i.e. legible], freely available on the Internet [in HTML] and without the greatest marketing scam ever - using the law to require using one's product.

peter said:
Back to the original post...
"it's amazing how many people in this industry have a sacred cow that's untouchable......until we are willing to sacrifice our sacred cows for the good of the industry, it'll never get better..."

It is obvious that the biggest sacred cow is the National Electrical Code.
Now that the Code making panels are mere tools of the lobbyists - er -manufacturers, it is time we get something better.

I would like to see something well written [i.e. legible], freely available on the Internet [in HTML] and without the greatest marketing scam ever - using the law to require using one's product.

Manufactures sitting on the CMP's is one of my pet peeves also , but I doubt the NEC will be replaced any time soon.
iaov said:
Manufactures sitting on the CMP's is one of my pet peeves also , but I doubt the NEC will be replaced any time soon.
Nor should they, in my opinion. Who's better suited to know what's possible with today's technologies and materials to enhance the safety of future electrical installations? It's a system of checks and balances, since not every CMP member is connected with manufacturing, and I happen to think it works pretty well.
Under the NFPA rules a maximum of 1/3 of the panel can represent any one interest group such as manufacturers. It takes a minimum 2/3s vote to accept a proposal.
peter said:
Back to the original post...
"it's amazing how many people in this industry have a sacred cow that's untouchable......until we are willing to sacrifice our sacred cows for the good of the industry, it'll never get better..."

It is obvious that the biggest sacred cow is the National Electrical Code.
Now that the Code making panels are mere tools of the lobbyists - er -manufacturers, it is time we get something better.

I would like to see something well written [i.e. legible], freely available on the Internet [in HTML] and without the greatest marketing scam ever - using the law to require using one's product.


It sounds like you might be the highly motivated individual needed to complete this task.

Please let us know when you have posted the new, simple to read, impossible to misread, unequivocally clear and simple to enforce rules for installing safe electrical systems to the internet so that we can peruse it.
I appreciate you expression of confidence. This will take a while.
However, here's a start:
Rule 183. "Sheet metal screws shall not be used to connect grounding conductors to enclosures."
That should be a start and it's now on the Internet. As I get further along, the numbering may have to change; we'll see. However, that should be clear enough to people with an inherent grasp of what a "sheet metal screw" is.
emahler said:
wanting to improve the industry, but not being willing to teach your employees what you know...because then they will go out on their own and become competition...

or..shall I go on?

Pease do. Harboring some bitterness?

Vivisection this cow please. (got that fancy word from a real book :smile: )
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