SCCR for existing installation

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Side note:
Bus bracing is a little different than interrupt or withstand ratings. The bus bracing must hold UNTIL the other devices act and stop the current flow, yet have no role in the actual interrupting. So you can’t do “series ratings” like you can with breakers and fuses. The bracing is rated for the value given to it and literally engraved into the MCC nameplate.
Yeah Series Rating may be the wrong terminology. I still think that from a purely "keeping things safe" standpoint that a current limiting fuse with a peak let-through of less than the bracing rating would be adequate. "Think" is different than "know", so that's where that ends.

Word to the wise on MCC bus bracing: I made that same mistake once, it was a PITA to fix. The difference between 42kA and 65kA bracing on most brands of MCCs is very very little, in one case I know of, it is one extra sheet metal screw per section, but it cannot be changed in the field, the UL label on the MCC states the bracing and that is that. We ended up digging a trench and wrapping the incoming cables around the shipping container housing the MCC to increase the cable resistance. Seems simple, but it was 1200A so we had to increase the conductor size for the VD we also created. I won’t make that mistake again... I now always spec 65kA whether I need it or not (unless it’s higher of course).
One Screw. Ouch.

Our SCCA is so high that to get where we need to be would take ~500' of cable. Also ouch.

Since all of our buckets are rated 65kA, we're able to buy empty MCC sections with the 65kA bus rating and swap them out. So at least not as painful as purchasing all new gear.

How did that happen you say? The MCC specialist at the distributor asked me what the available fault current was, I said I didn’t know yet, so he put down 1,000A in his software because the software needs a value to move on and 42kA is the minimum. When I finally got the number, which was only 48kA by the way, he never went back and redid the quote. Even though it was a big MCC, the difference was only going to be about $400 total, I probably spent more than $4k on the extra cable.
That scenario got me on a Heat Trace Control Panel too, ended up getting the standard 5kA rating. Luckily it could be moved to a different location that had a long enough feeder to bring the SCCA down enough.
Jim, I am not seeing anything in my quotation or that article (which is from Littlefuse) that restricts or even mentions that type of equipment.

Have you asked Littelfuse for an official whitepaper on how to apply the up-over-down method to panelboards or other equipment with UL Listed SCCR ratings?
I know of no equipment manufacturer that endorses it.

For the more than 50 years, the firm I worked for has been making mitigation recommendations for overdutied equipment and never once used the up-over-down methodology for equipment built since roughly 1985.
Have you asked Littelfuse for an official whitepaper on how to apply the up-over-down method to panelboards or other equipment with UL Listed SCCR ratings?
I know of no equipment manufacturer that endorses it.

For the more than 50 years, the firm I worked for has been making mitigation recommendations for overdutied equipment and never once used the up-over-down methodology for equipment built since roughly 1985.
We are in a similar boat, where the up-over&down curves are in the recycle bin for quite a while.
Note the examples at the bottom of your post.

The fuse manufacturer's publications are living in the past.
This method is for large power circuit breakers that are intended to stay closed during most faults, sometimes these are called 30 cycle breakers or iron frame breakers. they were common 50 years ago, but they would rarely be found in new construction.
The other example is large bus bar assemblies, like the ones found in open-air substations or electrical room. They are not talking about the bussing in panelboards, switchboards and plug-in busway. Again this is for stuff seen in historical pictures rather than in new construction.

I do remember using the up-over-down methodology when I first entered this business and these types of installations were still fairly common. But haven't used it in more than forty years.

You need to bone up on the subject. Up over down is long, long discredited and dead.
We are in a similar boat, where the up-over&down curves are in the recycle bin for quite a while.
Up over down is long, long discredited and dead.

Can you guys elaborate on this? Unless the manufacturers curves are wrong, I dont see what the issue would be. Is it inappropriate to use when there are ANY components with dynamic impedance downstream, even if those devices are fully rated? What about if there are only passive devices downstream? I understand its use is restrictive, but can you give an example of an acceptable situation to use it?
Can you guys elaborate on this? Unless the manufacturers curves are wrong, I dont see what the issue would be. Is it inappropriate to use when there are ANY components with dynamic impedance downstream, even if those devices are fully rated? What about if there are only passive devices downstream? I understand its use is restrictive, but can you give an example of an acceptable situation to use it?

Lots of confused issues here. The first one to be aware of is that switched devices (breakers, switches, contactors) actually have three ratings, one for closing, opening, and maintaining. The lowest rating is for opening where it has to quench the arc and it is even lower with DC compared to AC. The highest rating is when it maintains only. Although some manufacturers (S&C for instance) list all three you may only see one rating. This is rarely used at low voltage but at medium voltage it is common practice to interrupt low level faults with a switch device but maintain position and let a fuse trip on high level faults as a fuse saver. This is particularly common in class E2 starters. It is unique to switches. Everything else has either an absolute current limit due to magnetic forces such as bus bars or a time-current limit due to thermal effects such as wiring. Some such as bus bars have both but some such as semiconductors naturally have enough resistance that only the thermal limit applies. So you might get multiple ratings with switches but only a single AIC or SCCR rating with most equipment.

Second concept is current limiting. This can be achieved via obviously adding long wiring runs but can be done in a more compact form using a small isolation (1:1) transformer or line reactors. Superconducting current limiters are the ultimate but unfortunately unaffordable (for most uses) current limiters. There are some electronic current limiters that use a combination of a reactor to protect the electronics and an SCR bridge. So far this is most common in solid state breakers. In fact current limiting can be done very inexpensively in a very small package using a one turn inductor which is really just a hair-pin turn section of bus. This is exactly the principle behind current limiting breakers. Fuses use a more complicated spring loaded cone approach.

Many of these devices are nonlinear, specifically current limiting fuses, breakers, and superconducting current limiters. They do nothing below a certain current. Above that current they clamp but the clamping rate is limited so we get a let through curve. The exception is SCLs which are a true clamp and to a limited extent ferro-resonant so-called constant voltage transformers (though you would not use them that way).

Third concept is dynamic resistance which is a circuit breaker concept. As a breaker opens the arc resistance rapidly rises. This inherently solves a coordination problem with breakers. According to time-current curves typically all breakers trip at the same speed in instantaneous tripping. In practice though the dynamic resistance of the smaller, ever so slightly smaller breaker will inhibit a larger one no matter what the time-current curves say. But since it relies on an effect that is hard to predict or model the only way to guarantee this works is with testing. Hence it only works with breakers that are in tested combinations and we must rely on manufacturers for this or test ourselves. This would be where that “engineering supervision” exception applies. I have the equipment to do the testing but nobody ever asks to do this.

Third is series resistance which dovetails into dynamic resistance as well. In this case we rely on an upstream breaker to provide current limiting despite the fact that we are exceeding SCCR. This is different from what I guess we can call “static” current limiting which is what you get with let through curves, transformer, reactor, and wiring impedance. This is just the standard SCCR calculation in action. No series rating needed because we are not relying on dynamic resistance at all.

There are many methods but I’ll mention one of the most prominent, the ANSI method. The IEEE Buff book covers most of them and their assumptions and limitations. The ANSI method was developed specifically for power distribution and prior to widespread availability of calculators. It works very well with just slide rules and paper. It makes use of the fact that at distribution levels, inductance dominates so it largely ignores resistance. This drops the need for complex number math. It uses relatively simplified assumptions about motors and shielded cables so that you can do the calculations with just a set of tables, name plate data and some simple calculations. IEC also contains a similar method. This method has the advantage of fixing the major issues with the infinite bus calculation in that it provides much lower, more realistic results and avoids under predicting the effects of large inductors without the issue of overestimating sources that the simplified IEC method suffers from. But it is intended to upper bound SCCR for short circuit rating purposes. A far more accurate method is to include the full complex math and just do it as a straightforward impedance calculation. This is the most accurate and used by the power system software in arc flash models where over-predicting SCCA results in under-predicting arc flash effects. In practice my observations is that ANSI overpredicts anywhere from 10-100%. In computer software we can simply select the more accurate model and take advantage of lower SCCA values.

Then we get into some old discredited series rating methods. The first is “cascade ratings”. These were kind of arbitrary rules used prior to formalized series rating tests prior to the 1970s. No reason to even mention them except historically. They were things like maintaining a ratio of say 3:1.

The up over down method was promoted until “Interplay of Energies in Circuit Breaker and Fuse Combinations” was published in 1993 which discredited this method. In the up over down method start with a let through chart. Starting with the SCCR on the line side of the fuse move up to the fuse rating then to the left to get the instantaneous current limiting rating. This is valid but the next step isn’t. Now move to the left but stop at the ultimate current limiting line on the left then go straight down vertically to read the downstream SCCA.

The problem with SCCA is that we know the time it takes for the breaker to interrupt current. That is taken right from the time current curve. But we don’t know the precise time that the breaker contacts actually open. We cannot know this because it depends on the magnetic forces involved (dynamic resistance again). If the contacts open before the fuse clears then the resulting current seen by the fuse drops and clearing times are extended. So except for peak let through energy the degree of protection is indeterminate. The up over down method results in higher SCCR ratings than the Listed ratings which alone should tell you not to rely on it.

Here is an example.

So on a 60 A class J fuse on their charts at 60 kA line side short circuit we start at the bottom and move up to the 60 A line then to the left to see peak let through of 8 kA. This is real, does not rely on and is not affected by series ratings. This is what the contacts see if they open before the fuse does. Now in the down (discredited) method we stop at the diagonal line and slide down to the bottom line again to predict only 3 kA symmetrical amps. So if this method was accurate a 5 kA breaker is all that is needed! The reality though is that although the J fuse is very fast it probably won’t clear fast enough for a 15 A, 5 kA miniature DIN rail breaker with a clearing time of one cycle. So the breaker will see 8 kA, not 3 kA.

So using “up over” gives us peak short circuit current, which is the intended (not discredited) use of the let through chart. Series rating will of course be much less. In the above example it will be between 3 and 8 kA.
Lots of confused issues here. The first one to be aware of is that switched devices (breakers, switches, contactors) actually have three ratings, one for closing, opening, and maintaining. The lowest rating is for opening where it has to quench the arc and it is even lower with DC compared to AC. The highest rating is when it maintains only. Although some manufacturers (S&C for instance) list all three you may only see one rating. This is rarely used at low voltage but at medium voltage it is common practice to interrupt low level faults with a switch device but maintain position and let a fuse trip on high level faults as a fuse saver. This is particularly common in class E2 starters. It is unique to switches. Everything else has either an absolute current limit due to magnetic forces such as bus bars or a time-current limit due to thermal effects such as wiring. Some such as bus bars have both but some such as semiconductors naturally have enough resistance that only the thermal limit applies. So you might get multiple ratings with switches but only a single AIC or SCCR rating with most equipment.

Second concept is current limiting. This can be achieved via obviously adding long wiring runs but can be done in a more compact form using a small isolation (1:1) transformer or line reactors. Superconducting current limiters are the ultimate but unfortunately unaffordable (for most uses) current limiters. There are some electronic current limiters that use a combination of a reactor to protect the electronics and an SCR bridge. So far this is most common in solid state breakers. In fact current limiting can be done very inexpensively in a very small package using a one turn inductor which is really just a hair-pin turn section of bus. This is exactly the principle behind current limiting breakers. Fuses use a more complicated spring loaded cone approach.

Many of these devices are nonlinear, specifically current limiting fuses, breakers, and superconducting current limiters. They do nothing below a certain current. Above that current they clamp but the clamping rate is limited so we get a let through curve. The exception is SCLs which are a true clamp and to a limited extent ferro-resonant so-called constant voltage transformers (though you would not use them that way).

Third concept is dynamic resistance which is a circuit breaker concept. As a breaker opens the arc resistance rapidly rises. This inherently solves a coordination problem with breakers. According to time-current curves typically all breakers trip at the same speed in instantaneous tripping. In practice though the dynamic resistance of the smaller, ever so slightly smaller breaker will inhibit a larger one no matter what the time-current curves say. But since it relies on an effect that is hard to predict or model the only way to guarantee this works is with testing. Hence it only works with breakers that are in tested combinations and we must rely on manufacturers for this or test ourselves. This would be where that “engineering supervision” exception applies. I have the equipment to do the testing but nobody ever asks to do this.

Third is series resistance which dovetails into dynamic resistance as well. In this case we rely on an upstream breaker to provide current limiting despite the fact that we are exceeding SCCR. This is different from what I guess we can call “static” current limiting which is what you get with let through curves, transformer, reactor, and wiring impedance. This is just the standard SCCR calculation in action. No series rating needed because we are not relying on dynamic resistance at all.

There are many methods but I’ll mention one of the most prominent, the ANSI method. The IEEE Buff book covers most of them and their assumptions and limitations. The ANSI method was developed specifically for power distribution and prior to widespread availability of calculators. It works very well with just slide rules and paper. It makes use of the fact that at distribution levels, inductance dominates so it largely ignores resistance. This drops the need for complex number math. It uses relatively simplified assumptions about motors and shielded cables so that you can do the calculations with just a set of tables, name plate data and some simple calculations. IEC also contains a similar method. This method has the advantage of fixing the major issues with the infinite bus calculation in that it provides much lower, more realistic results and avoids under predicting the effects of large inductors without the issue of overestimating sources that the simplified IEC method suffers from. But it is intended to upper bound SCCR for short circuit rating purposes. A far more accurate method is to include the full complex math and just do it as a straightforward impedance calculation. This is the most accurate and used by the power system software in arc flash models where over-predicting SCCA results in under-predicting arc flash effects. In practice my observations is that ANSI overpredicts anywhere from 10-100%. In computer software we can simply select the more accurate model and take advantage of lower SCCA values.

Then we get into some old discredited series rating methods. The first is “cascade ratings”. These were kind of arbitrary rules used prior to formalized series rating tests prior to the 1970s. No reason to even mention them except historically. They were things like maintaining a ratio of say 3:1.

The up over down method was promoted until “Interplay of Energies in Circuit Breaker and Fuse Combinations” was published in 1993 which discredited this method. In the up over down method start with a let through chart. Starting with the SCCR on the line side of the fuse move up to the fuse rating then to the left to get the instantaneous current limiting rating. This is valid but the next step isn’t. Now move to the left but stop at the ultimate current limiting line on the left then go straight down vertically to read the downstream SCCA.

The problem with SCCA is that we know the time it takes for the breaker to interrupt current. That is taken right from the time current curve. But we don’t know the precise time that the breaker contacts actually open. We cannot know this because it depends on the magnetic forces involved (dynamic resistance again). If the contacts open before the fuse clears then the resulting current seen by the fuse drops and clearing times are extended. So except for peak let through energy the degree of protection is indeterminate. The up over down method results in higher SCCR ratings than the Listed ratings which alone should tell you not to rely on it.

Here is an example.

So on a 60 A class J fuse on their charts at 60 kA line side short circuit we start at the bottom and move up to the 60 A line then to the left to see peak let through of 8 kA. This is real, does not rely on and is not affected by series ratings. This is what the contacts see if they open before the fuse does. Now in the down (discredited) method we stop at the diagonal line and slide down to the bottom line again to predict only 3 kA symmetrical amps. So if this method was accurate a 5 kA breaker is all that is needed! The reality though is that although the J fuse is very fast it probably won’t clear fast enough for a 15 A, 5 kA miniature DIN rail breaker with a clearing time of one cycle. So the breaker will see 8 kA, not 3 kA.

So using “up over” gives us peak short circuit current, which is the intended (not discredited) use of the let through chart. Series rating will of course be much less. In the above example it will be between 3 and 8 kA.

Lots of stuff in there, but I thought I was clear that I understand the dynamic impedance issue with series OCPD's. I AM NOT QUESTIONING WHETHER I CAN APPLY A CL LET THRU CURVE TO A DOWNSTREAM BREAKER. I fully understand all that. Why can't I use a CL fuse with let thru values/up over and down to lower the fault current for SCCR purposes?
Lots of stuff in there, but I thought I was clear that I understand the dynamic impedance issue with series OCPD's. I AM NOT QUESTIONING WHETHER I CAN APPLY A CL LET THRU CURVE TO A DOWNSTREAM BREAKER. I fully understand all that. Why can't I use a CL fuse with let thru values/up over and down to lower the fault current for SCCR purposes?
YOU can, if YOU are a manufacturer of components willing to pay megabucks to test your downstream devices against that let-through curve, or you are a registered PE willing to stake your reputation and livelihood on your calculations. Aside from those two circumstances, you cannot because them's the rules.
YOU can, if YOU are a manufacturer of components willing to pay megabucks to test your downstream devices against that let-through curve, or you are a registered PE willing to stake your reputation and livelihood on your calculations. Aside from those two circumstances, you cannot because them's the rules.

Where are those rules stated? Again, It seems you are talking about series OCPD's. Guys, I am not trying to be a PIA here, but no one can seem to point to anything saying why I cant use a Let thru curve for SCCR purposes other than saying "you cant" or "you cant use up over down anymore".
Where are those rules stated? Again, It seems you are talking about series OCPD's. Guys, I am not trying to be a PIA here, but no one can seem to point to anything saying why I cant use a Let thru curve for SCCR purposes other than saying "you cant" or "you cant use up over down anymore".
Article 409.22 calls for the SCCR rating and 409.110 (4) sets the method of attaining it. Then 248.8 says that if field series rating is needed, it must be done by a PE.

There are different interpretations and I have not looked into the 2020 code yet to see if any of this has been addressed further (we are not on the 2020 code yet). But if you want to see the progression of this discussion in another similar thread, read this one, especially toward the end:
I don't get why people want to make this so hard. just put the required SCCR in the RFQ and P.O. if you don't bother to do this, you deserve all the bad things that will inevitably happen to you. It is not the manufacturer's fault if you do not bother to ask for what you need. If you want the cabinets painted pink and don't specify it and they come in gray, that is also not the manufacturer's fault.

It is ALWAYS up to the specifier to specify what is required. It is not up to the manufacturer to guess at it and take responsibility if they guess wrong.

I suspect somewhere in the documentation provided as part of the bid package the SCCR is noted.
I don't get why people want to make this so hard. just put the required SCCR in the RFQ and P.O. if you don't bother to do this, you deserve all the bad things that will inevitably happen to you. It is not the manufacturer's fault if you do not bother to ask for what you need. If you want the cabinets painted pink and don't specify it and they come in gray, that is also not the manufacturer's fault.

It is ALWAYS up to the specifier to specify what is required. It is not up to the manufacturer to guess at it and take responsibility if they guess wrong.

I suspect somewhere in the documentation provided as part of the bid package the SCCR is noted.
Another option is to just put in the specification or tender offer that "Equipment must be suitable to be installed per applicable codes". The CODE already states the requirement for an SCCR label AND that the SCCR rating be higher than the AFC. If the vendor wants to know the AFC, they can ask, or put that in their offer as a technical clarification, so the BUYER can determine if that is correct before issuing a PO. I've seen it done that way; a buyer not specifying the value, but a vendor stating that they are providing a panel with 65kA SCCR and letting the buyer run that up the flagpole to see if it's appropriate. If they were to have said "5kA SCCR" and that was given to an engineer or electrician who understood the meaning, they could have flagged it back to the buyer to say "No Go".

But as you say, ignoring it is the real problem...
Article 409.22 calls for the SCCR rating and 409.110 (4) sets the method of attaining it. Then 248.8 says that if field series rating is needed, it must be done by a PE.

There are different interpretations and I have not looked into the 2020 code yet to see if any of this has been addressed further (we are not on the 2020 code yet). But if you want to see the progression of this discussion in another similar thread, read this one, especially toward the end:

Ok several things here. And now we will be really blending these two threads. First let me just say 240.86 is not relevant ( I assume that is what you meant). Again, for the like 7th time, I am NOT talking OCPD's in series. I am talking about passive devices without dynamic impedance. 240.86 does not apply.

Also note my comments/questions are general in nature. Somehow we got into industrial control panels. The OP did not mention article 409 equipment.

I am not real familiar with 409, but I am pretty much agreeing with Don from the other thread when he said:

just don't understand how using the let through current of a current limiting device is really any different from installing one to one transformers, reactors, on increasing the conductor length to reduce the available fault current at the control panel. If the current limiting device actually changes the available fault current, how it different from adding impedance on the line side of the panel.

It seems to me the SCC is whatever the let thru of the fuse is. No one says to "throw out the impedance of a transformer, you can't use it to lower the SCC." It seems to me we would need a definition of SCC/AFC for either of us to be "correct".
Put it this way: say I have a widget - bussed gutter, panel board, switch - that has a SCCR less than the available. I put in some properly selected CL fuses and according to the manufacturer's literature, the let thru is now less than the SCCR.

Inspector:. The SCCR of you widget is less than available.

Electrician:. No I have selected a CL fuse which lowered the SCC just like a transformer would, here is the literature from the manufacturer. The SCC is now X and the widget has a SCCR of X+Y.

Inspector: you can't do that.

Electrician:. Please provide the NEC section stating there is a problem with this.

What does the inspector say?
NEC does not tell you how to calculate the short-circuit current. Therefore there is nothing in the NEC that would tell you that the method that you want to use is acceptable. You can't just make up a method on your own. it has to be something that is accepted by the industry as a whole and what you are proposing while perhaps it is workable just isn't accepted by the industry.

And for another thing, what components are you talking about trying to sneak in by using this method? You can't use a contactor and overload combination because by definition this is an industrial control panel which brings you back to article 409 which requires that you use an approved way such as UL 508a or other UL standards to determine what the SCCR is.

You don't need it for connectors because as I understand it connectors that are crimped on and listed are considered part of the wire and don't require a short circuit current rating. If it's a mechanical connector there is an exception in the code that would appear to allow you to use them Even without a short circuit current rating for that particular part.

If you're talking about things that are inside a listed item like a motor control center, you have to go back to how the UL standard tells you to calculate the short circuit current rating. You can't just make it up on your own.

I can't really think of any parts that you would typically use that don't have a UL listing that determines just how you calculate the short-circuit current rating of that particular part. Perhaps you can name one for me.
And for another thing, what components are you talking about trying to sneak in by using this method? You can't use a contactor and overload combination because by definition this is an industrial control panel which brings you back to article 409 which requires that you use an approved way such as UL 508a or other UL standards to determine what the SCCR is.

If you're talking about things that are inside a listed item like a motor control center, you have to go back to how the UL standard tells you to calculate the short circuit current rating. You can't just make it up on your own.

I can't really think of any parts that you would typically use that don't have a UL listing that determines just how you calculate the short-circuit current rating of that particular part. Perhaps you can name one for me.

I DONT CARE about calculating SCCR. I am interested in lowering the SCC. Fuse manufactures are saying I can do this. Are they making this up?

You can't just make up a method on your own. it has to be something that is accepted by the industry as a whole and what you are proposing while perhaps it is workable just isn't accepted by the industry.

I hear what you are saying. I guess using a transformer to change/lower the SCC is pretty much universally accepted. Every fuse manufacturer has detailed literature saying 'I can do this exact thing, yet it it doesnt seem like any of the very knowledgeable people on the forum think its ok, but cant really give a reason. Do the CL fuses not work as claimed? Are the charts wrong/inaccurate?

And for another thing, what components are you talking about trying to sneak in by using this method?

This is an academic question. Like I said in the previous post, maybe a disconnect switch, transfer switch, panelboard, bussed gutter.....maybe a control panel - maybe control panels are more restrictive and have specific wording defining how to calculate SCC? Even if they do, fine, what about things that are not control panels?

The crux of the issue is what exactly is the definition of SCC, and can the let thru value be used for the SCC value.
Not the NEC gives the following definition:

Current-Limiting Overcurrent Protective Device. A device
that, when interrupting currents in its current-limiting
range, reduces the current flowing in the faulted circuit to a
magnitude substantially less than that obtainable in the
same circuit if the device were replaced with a solid conductor
having comparable impedance.
I get what you're trying to say but you still have to get past the problem of getting whatever method it is you want to use to calculate the available short circuit current accepted. Why don't you submit a proposal to the NFPA to do what you want and see what they say.
I get what you're trying to say but you still have to get past the problem of getting whatever method it is you want to use to calculate the available short circuit current accepted. Why don't you submit a proposal to the NFPA to do what you want and see what they say.

I am not seeing anything prohibiting it as is. But adding a definition for SCC with methods described would certainly clarify, but no one is looking for clarification on using a transformer or reactor.
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