Scrap Copper

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Was little disappointed today I took in 280 pounds of scrap insulated copper today and got 68 cents a pound for it.It seemed a bit low. I would say 80 percent of it was #8 and larger lots of #6 and #4 from old services.
wow, we get about 3.00+ a lb for bare copper, and i think 1.25 for romex and such. Less for cat5 and almost nothing for rg6 since it's got shielding in it and they won't waste their time on it. BX was almost a 1.00 ... Aluminum wasn't even worth it for us to take from jobs, it's .60 a lb for bare aluminum.
we have one scrap yard in town. insulated copper is $0.50/lbs, #1 is $2.00/lbs. Don't like it? Drive a few hours somewhere else to get more $$.
electricguy said:
Was little disappointed today I took in 280 pounds of scrap insulated copper today and got 68 cents a pound for it.It seemed a bit low. I would say 80 percent of it was #8 and larger lots of #6 and #4 from old services.

The size of the wire is irrelevant. 280 pounds of AWG12 nets the same as 280 pounds of 3/0.

The problem is you left the insulation on, gaining you the price of #2 copper. #1 copper is bare copper, and is priced higher since the recycler doesn't have to remove any unsulation.
iwire said:

$2 to $3 a lb for insulated 8 around here (Boston MA)

Can I send you my scrap? The last time I sold the bare it was $1.40 or so and the insulated was about $.70. This was when copper was up too.

Maybe I need to switch recyclers.
I think the fact is you got ripped. I took a truck load of mostly scrapped nm cable. It weighed right at 500 lbs and I got $900.00. About a $1.80/lb-- that was a month and a half ago.
480sparky said:
The size of the wire is irrelevant. 280 pounds of AWG12 nets the same as 280 pounds of 3/0.

The problem is you left the insulation on, gaining you the price of #2 copper. #1 copper is bare copper, and is priced higher since the recycler doesn't have to remove any unsulation.

Here if I bring in all insulated conductors, I will still get different prices per pound for different sizes.

The last trip in I had everything from 600 CU to 12 AWG, Cat 5, scraps of unstripped MC and NM etc.

It all gets separated by the scrap yard guys into different bins and gets separately priced. They have ratio of plastic to copper pretty well established for each size.

The place I go pulverizes the wire then uses a shaker table and fans to blow off the plastic while the copper sinks to the bottom. Pretty fast but there is some copper lost.
jimport said:
Can I send you my scrap? The last time I sold the bare it was $1.40 or so and the insulated was about $.70. This was when copper was up too.

Maybe I need to switch recyclers.

In my area you need to know where to go, there is a place about 15 minute from me that is conveent but give very low prices. Call diffent places, ask around, find the good ones. :smile:

If I drive to the water front area just north of Boston I get much better prices. But that neirboorhood and that scrap yard are not for the faint of heart. Once I get my cash I move quickly away.
You were not in Atlanta were you? I was south of Atlanta 6 weeks ago and took in 600 lbs got .72. Like a dumb Yankee I never questioned the price till I was counting my cash. I was in an warehouse park and the BIG less than friendly guy said "You have a problem with this, THAT's THE GOING RATE"

I left learning a valuable lesson DUH...ask questions first. But I did not want to haul 600lbs up the highway to VA.
brian john said:
You were not in Atlanta were you? I was south of Atlanta 6 weeks ago and took in 600 lbs got .72. Like a dumb Yankee I never questioned the price till I was counting my cash. I was in an warehouse park and the BIG less than friendly guy said "You have a problem with this, THAT's THE GOING RATE"

I left learning a valuable lesson DUH...ask questions first. But I did not want to haul 600lbs up the highway to VA.

That makes me feel a bit better :)
In another life, I worked for a business that scraped textile equipment. From that I have learned you have to be very careful with coated wire. The scarp yards around here will cut you based off what the yard guy perceives to be the weight of the insulation. (they always way over cut you for insulation) The best way to go in is with wire and no jacketing. Call ahead to verify a price, or get a guestimate of how much that insulation will cost you.

Better or worse yet, burn it all and pollute the environment. Then you will have #2 copper. A bit lower than #1, but worth a whole lot more than insulated. Just remember, don't breathe the fumes. (and no I am not advocating burning the insualtion off, just being sarcastic)

brian john said:
You were not in Atlanta were you? I was south of Atlanta 6 weeks ago and took in 600 lbs got .72. Like a dumb Yankee I never questioned the price till I was counting my cash. I was in an warehouse park and the BIG less than friendly guy said "You have a problem with this, THAT's THE GOING RATE"

I feel quite sure that as you were leaving you got the standard, " You all come back now, ya hear", and they ment it. :smile:

I think it's more of what Bob was saying that you would need to shop around to get the better prices.
For those who live far enough north, do what I do.

Load all the copper up in the bed of your pickup the day before a really cold night. First thing next morning, stand on your tailgate and drop the wire onto the driveway. It'll snap right off. Start your truck at this time. Throw the nice, shiny copper back in the truck, and sweep up the insulation. I've done 500 pounds like this in about 5 minutes.

As soon as everythings' all cleaned up, your truck is nice n toasty. Drive to the recycle center you called last night to find the best price.
We use a lot of aluminum jacketed MC and my favorite is when we take in a bunch of un-stripped MC, the guys at the yard have a pretty shrewd eye for picking out the few pieces of steel jacket: They'll put their magnets on that stuff, and that stuff only, and then sit there and claim "All that weight is steel, we're only giving you $0.80 a pound!"

We have a 2MVA transformer demo coming up (going to scrap!) and apparently this thing contains the better part of five tons of copper. I'm trying not to drool.... :grin:

Wow! The scrap yards are ripping all of you off. Sold 600 #'s 2 weeks ago for $3.50 a pound. It was all considered number 1 from 12 solid to 750.
# 1 copper is no insul., solder, plating whatsoever only natural corrosion, next step up is shiny brite which is worth a wee bit more, # 2 copper has plating tin ,silver,etc. paint & so on... I got 70? a lb. for inslu. copper wire, but am a hour and a half north of Sacramento and $5.00 a gallon diesel takes all of the profit real quick to drive 90 miles & back for more money.....:D
I know I got ripped,


I was not in a position to shop around.
I was not driving 800 miles with all the extra weight.
I figured cause I am honest others are too and never thought to question the guy.
Once I had the cash I was in no position to argue.

Believe me the rest of the day was crap.
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