Scrap Copper

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norcal said:
# 1 copper is no insul., solder, plating whatsoever only natural corrosion, next step up is shiny brite which is worth a wee bit more, # 2 copper has plating tin ,silver,etc. paint & so on...

Around here, we don't go any higher than #1. Shiney and brite just confirms it is #1 and not #2.:D

I always question the price that I will receive first.

It still belongs to me if I haven't accepted payment for it.

I have actually re-loaded my metal back onto the truck before.

I don't mind the griping and hateful stares...or whatever else may follow.:mad:

I'd rather waste the time, burn the gas and keep the scrap for another day than sell it and get ripped off.

I kinda take it personal....I guess that i need to work on that:)

just my opinion
big john said:
We have a 2MVA transformer demo coming up (going to scrap!) and apparently this thing contains the better part of five tons of copper. I'm trying not to drool.... :grin:

We scrap copper at the rate of a tractor-trailer full every two weeks or so, but then copper is our business. We've got 18 million pounds of the stuff laying around. :grin:
drbond24 said:
We scrap copper at the rate of a tractor-trailer full every two weeks or so, but then copper is our business. We've got 18 million pounds of the stuff laying around. :grin:

Is this scrap remains from the manufacturing process?
480sparky said:
For those who live far enough north, do what I do.

Load all the copper up in the bed of your pickup the day before a really cold night. First thing next morning, stand on your tailgate and drop the wire onto the driveway. It'll snap right off. Start your truck at this time. Throw the nice, shiny copper back in the truck, and sweep up the insulation. I've done 500 pounds like this in about 5 minutes.

As soon as everythings' all cleaned up, your truck is nice n toasty. Drive to the recycle center you called last night to find the best price.
Strange stuff to an ol' Georgia boy. I worked with a guy once who said he has thrown a cup of hot coffee off his back porch and it was ice before it hit the ground. I was never sure how much of that story was fluff.

What kind of temperatures are you talking about to crack the insulation? It sounds like you could very easily damage the wire when unloading at a job site (or even get stuck to the wire yourself). How do you protect your wire in transit and such? This is a world I have never had to deal with.
mivey said:
Strange stuff to an ol' Georgia boy. I worked with a guy once who said he has thrown a cup of hot coffee off his back porch and it was ice before it hit the ground. I was never sure how much of that story was fluff.

What kind of temperatures are you talking about to crack the insulation? It sounds like you could very easily damage the wire when unloading at a job site (or even get stuck to the wire yourself). How do you protect your wire in transit and such? This is a world I have never had to deal with.

There's at least one night every winter where it gets to 10 or 20 below.
Two days ago I just took a load of about 380 pounds of insulated copper, and a couple pounds of aluminum and only got $151.50

Its about .70/ pound insulated
and 3.60 for bare bright

hockeyoligist2 said:
I sold some 8/4 SJ CORD last week and I got $2.50 per pound with the insulation on. I got $1.25 LB. for 00 aluminum with insulation and $.85 LB. for beer cans!

CRV aluminum cans is $1.56 a lb here (CRV = California Redemption Value) .If you want good metals prices, have to go to Oakland or Sacramento, as I posted earlier, $5.00 a gallon for diesel takes the profit out quick + the time there & back...
TOOL_5150 said:
Snap your tailgate off? :confused: :confused:


Seems to me that scrap prices very, usually, by distance from a port. I live in rural MT. Our scrap prices suck, as does $.72/lbs. On the other hand in Seattle or Portland, scrap rocks. For the gentlemen in Atlanta, I'd say :-? And the fella with poor diesel feeling, I get nearly 30 mpg in my 1 ton dodge. 1 or 2 K of scrap will foot the fuel bill nicely. I've been tempted to stock it and make a run once a year.;)
This says it all
More LME & COMEX Price Tables Below

USD/LB Cash 3m 15m
Aluminum 1.3726 1.3962 1.4515
Alum Alloy 1.1821 1.1861 1.2474
NA Alloy 1.1998 1.2202 1.2837
Copper 3.7757 3.6723 3.4654
USD/MT Cash 3m 15m
Aluminum 3026.0 3078.0 3200.0
Alum Alloy 2606.0 2615.0 2750.0
NA Alloy 2645.0 2690.0 2830.0
Copper 8324.0 8096.0 7640.0
USD/KG Cash 3m 15m
Aluminum 3.026 3.078 3.200
Alum Alloy 2.606 2.615 2.750
NA Alloy 2.645 2.690 2.830
Copper 8.324 8.096 7.640
GBP: 0.4991 EUR: 0.6304
LME Officials 18 Jul 2008
USD/LB Cash 3m 15m
brian john said:
You were not in Atlanta were you? I was south of Atlanta 6 weeks ago and took in 600 lbs got .72. Like a dumb Yankee I never questioned the price till I was counting my cash. I was in an warehouse park and the BIG less than friendly guy said "You have a problem with this, THAT's THE GOING RATE"

I left learning a valuable lesson DUH...ask questions first. But I did not want to haul 600lbs up the highway to VA.

brian, what town were you in?
480sparky said:
Why? I drop the wire onto the driveway. Insulation at 20 below is brittle, so it snaps right off.

I was fun'n you 480. Hence the" :grin: " Anyway, if you read your whole post quickly as I did, it kind of made me think you instructed that your tailgate snaps off.

OTOH, there is a wire stripper "machine" you can get off fleabay that strips the insulation off of conductors pretty quickly. It was somewhat reasonable price too.

brian john said:
You were not in Atlanta were you? I was south of Atlanta 6 weeks ago and took in 600 lbs got .72. Like a dumb Yankee I never questioned the price till I was counting my cash. I was in an warehouse park and the BIG less than friendly guy said "You have a problem with this, THAT's THE GOING RATE"

I left learning a valuable lesson DUH...ask questions first. But I did not want to haul 600lbs up the highway to VA.
We price by the license plate. Same way with speeding tickets.:grin:
Beware of the temptations.
Just a few months ago, I had a project where some 5000A CU busway was being removed and was fair game for the Electricians to scrap for $$$. Unfortunately, I think they were busy counting the potential $$$ from the demo (during the demo), and "accidentally" in addition removed some other 5000A busway that was not scheduled for demo.
Since it was vintage GE high reactance busway, and that it was only determined the next day when the equipment downstream didn't work (the busway had already been scrapped), some very creative custom bus and DLO cable had to be produced to go back in its place, at significantly higher cost than the scrapped busway returned to the eager journeymen. Although "surprisingly" for some reason nobody could figure out who directed them to remove the extra busway!
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