Scrap Copper

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brian john said:
Near a town called Ocilla.

yeah that's a pretty poor area you were in. i'm about an hour south of that right on the ga/fl line. prices everywhere around here suck.


we have guys that come through the supply houses that will pay you a little more for the scrap; they take it to south florida to get more money.


for getting insulation off, we burn it. you're not supposed to, but the scrapyard recommends it to get more $$.
Scrap copper is the root of all evil around here. The police are constantly at the scrapyard since the price is so high and the local lineman are complaining that everyone is stealing the downgrounds at the pole xformers.
drbond24 said:
We scrap copper at the rate of a tractor-trailer full every two weeks or so, but then copper is our business. We've got 18 million pounds of the stuff laying around. :grin:

Then get a move on and ship thestuff out and get them making some wire. A potential flood like that might actually lower the cost of wire for all of us!:grin:

as of june 2008

as of june 2008

in june i drove over the pass to denver in blowing snow and i got 3.80 a pound for all clean striped coper a 1.75 for romex i ended up with 4 grande . other related issues our company rather large is experencing alot of theft, or should i say where going threw a lot of wire . so now we measure the wire on friday afternoon ,check on monday morning. and it has resolved the problem .
drbond24 said:
We're cranking it out as fast as we can, but it ain't gonna get any cheaper. :)
If you would get it right the first time, it would be cheaper for us.:grin:

AIW opened a plant in Douglas Georgia and I thought it might be neat to see if I could get a tour if I got over that way. Sounds like an interesting process.
On long island $3 for bare bright, most yards break it down into three sizes small med and large, i'm getting $1.25 for old #12tw . they have a mechanical stripper for stuff #8 and larger the rest gets ground up and sorted.
brian john said:
Swear to G*D the riggers were straight out of Deliverance. NO JOKE, some of well countriest boys I have ever met.

Well, dang, you shoulda gone canoeing with them.
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