Secret Logo Submission Contest (ending 12/31/07)

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chris kennedy said:
.... I also think Chris Knight's Vacation Forum Style is an outstanding idea. What ever happened to that?

I think not enough of them are taking vacations. Maybe we need another "how to" FAQ. :)
Carl, I'm sorry but you can't have one. You only have 12 posts. This will be a "Limited Edition"

You will need 18,000 posts to receive one.

There can be only one. :grin:
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Once it's decided, and available to the members', it'll no longer be a secret anyway ! I mean a rainbow used to be kinda a secret about Gods' promise and look what's become of the rainbow !
If they're made up I'd buy one. I'm proud to be a member of a group that wants to continually better themselves at what they do.
i submit the following for your consideration in the judging for the new super-secret-yet-not forum member identification logo.

It's not really much of a secret if it says "Milke Holt" on it.

We need something mysterious like the freemasons logo.;)
220/221 said:
It's not really much of a secret if it says "Milke Holt" on it.

We need something mysterious like the freemasons logo.;)

So now we need someone to do a poll to see if we want a secret logo or an obvious one.
I figured, what the heck, I'd make this thread sticky in the forum it was posted in. :D

I like Mike Ames black one, and I like Nakulak's official logo ripoff, so I am trying to offer one with the bulb with the diploma cap on a black background. Been piddling with it here and there, I'll try to have it done before Christmas, if I remember. ;)
I like the lower left corner version from George's recent submittal.

Please note that if this really does happen, it cannot contain an image that violates someone else's trademark. For example, showing the letters "NEC" within a circle that also contains a lightning bolt might be considered a violation of the NFPA's trademark.
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