Securing EMT + box on unfinished wall in basement

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Senior Member
Box offset, one hole straps, tapcons. Minis are ok above 6 feet or so and ok under a panel or if you have a very small obstruction.
I think one hole straps hold the pipe tight to the wall and look the best.


Senior Member
Durham, NC
frankft2000 said:
If I were to use mini's on a job like this, I would use the Arlington plastic type. There are no bolts to snag on.
Thanks for the head up. I've never seen or used most of the listed clamps and with Crose Hinds these are kinda cool, I'm glad you mentioned 2 piece cause I don't see how the one would work by it self ?! Dah...
2-piece strap

I've often wondered about this new plastic conduit clamps, slick but what?s the life span of these? Plus protection issues ? I guess its a code hang-up with me, like material, and being exposed, etc.

Having looked at these catalogs on line, I've come to realize that I'd like to have a few the bigger manufactures catalogs on hand...
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