Septic wiring

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frizbeedog said:
Many of the control floats, when not a piggy back configuration have no plug. Just the cord leads.
Here's a head's up on some of the Rhombus cords. They have a heat shrinked "lump" in them that actually contains a relay. Troubleshooting them will screw with your head for a while until you know there's a relay molded in the cord.
mdshunk said:
Here's a head's up on some of the Rhombus cords. They have a heat shrinked "lump" in them that actually contains a relay. Troubleshooting them will screw with your head for a while until you know there's a relay molded in the cord.
thanks. your incredibly smart
electricalperson said:
thanks. you have an incredibly fat head

"The Double Float? Master pump switch consists of two mechanical floats and a splice tube. The splice tube contains a holding relay which enables the floats to function in series."

Here's a picture of the arrangement, in which you can see that heat shrinked lump that has the relay in it:

Warranty Schmorranty

Warranty Schmorranty

electricman2 said:
Don't know about listing, but I'm pretty sure it would void the warranty.

I have not had any instances that I recall, of having to replace a pump that I've installed in a new system. Older, nasty, stanky, tanks, yes. By the time the pump fails the warranty has expired. So I don't worry about the warranty. I make sure I leave the tags on the cords, the ones with the pump and float data. Inspector did not like it when I removed them once.

Don't know why I did that.
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