Service upgrade cost?

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220/221 That is sweet, I've seen them (in magazines)but never used one. What part of the country u in. I wonder if these can be used in Texas?
I am in AZ and it is all we have used here (residential) since the 70's.

Cost is about $120, Seimans, Homeline and Cutler Hammer are all about the same. The standard for the last decade is 200 amp with a full 40 spaces.
220/221 said:
2-3k here.

All in one exterior panels.



My god thats big. Is that ringless with a meter bypass?
bradleyelectric said:
Just curious, what is the difference between competitive price and typical price? I thought the price of living was pretty expensive in LA. How long has whoever came up with that price of $1500 been in business?

I can easily do the average service change myself in a day. All-in-one panel, rigid through the roof, 45 feet of 2/0 in the rigid with a roof jack and a weather head. Then consider the grounding, drive a rod and find the water. Misc parts and breakers.

Parts are about $580. Permit is about $120. That leaves $800 for about 7 hours work.

I can live on $800 a day.
Fire Alarm said:
I can easily do the average service change myself in a day. All-in-one panel, rigid through the roof, 45 feet of 2/0 in the rigid with a roof jack and a weather head. Then consider the grounding, drive a rod and find the water. Misc parts and breakers.

Parts are about $580. Permit is about $120. That leaves $800 for about 7 hours work.

I can live on $800 a day.
Thar $800 is pretty small after expenses.

What, you have no overhead, your insurance, your truck operating expenses, office, and shop, or no taxes on your wages?

Your figures make no sense at all.
Rigid Roof Mast 200A upgrade for $1500 I could not do that for 1984 prices, when the 200A rigid Non Mast services were $2000 or 10A an Amp.

Whare are you located?
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I just don't get it I am not naming names but a couple of you seem to always trash the small guys (myself included) with low overhead I really wish we all made a couple million on a stadium as soon as we get our licences .But what is the harm in making $800 in a day or what ever in a day.
Jerseydaze said:
I just don't get it I am not naming names but a couple of you seem to always trash the small guys (myself included) with low overhead I really wish we all made a couple million on a stadium as soon as we get our licences .But what is the harm in making $800 in a day or what ever in a day.

I am a one man show, and other than not paying rent or owning a building where is this "low overhead " everyone always talks about? :confused:
Fire Alarm said:
I can easily do the average service change myself in a day. All-in-one panel, rigid through the roof, 45 feet of 2/0 in the rigid with a roof jack and a weather head. Then consider the grounding, drive a rod and find the water. Misc parts and breakers.

Parts are about $580. Permit is about $120. That leaves $800 for about 7 hours work.

I can live on $800 a day.

No markup on materials. :-?

Did the permit magically appear or was there time involved to get it. :confused:

How about the materials you are giving away at cost, did they just show up in your truck or did it take time to get them. :confused:

Taxes. :confused:
Fire Alarm said:
I can easily do the average service change myself in a day. All-in-one panel, rigid through the roof, 45 feet of 2/0 in the rigid with a roof jack and a weather head. Then consider the grounding, drive a rod and find the water. Misc parts and breakers.

Parts are about $580. Permit is about $120. That leaves $800 for about 7 hours work.

I can live on $800 a day.

Yeah, I'm planning on dropping dead before retirement too. That thing about competitive price being $300-$500 less than typical price still has me scatching my head though. Just can't see the thingy in it.
Jerseydaze said:
I just don't get it I am not naming names but a couple of you seem to always trash the small guys (myself included) with low overhead I really wish we all made a couple million on a stadium as soon as we get our licences .But what is the harm in making $800 in a day or what ever in a day.

They are not trashing anyone, just trying to make them aware of the reality in pricing a job. We were all small guys, and many of us are still small shops, that does not mean we do not have much overhead, some of the guys are just not aware of the real cost of doing business.
Around here we had a period of time where many neighborhoods were being converted OH to UG - Many EC's got caught in the trap of trying to get this work - wasted enormous amounts of time and energy trying to get thier foot in the door. Shooting the lowest prices around - apparently not low enough....

"Eddie's Electric" and "Chows Brother" were getting all of them! Bar none! (Both real companies)

After I while I figured it out.... Eddie was Eddie Chow.... And he bought panels & materials by the truck load cheap! He also had huge crews of guys working at slave wages by the piece - 200a convertion = $500 in some cases. For that type of money most companies could not allow a guy to show up and sneeze!!!!! He would get inspections by the block at a time. Trenches all at the same time, ect. He had assembly lines that would make Henry Ford jealous. But the key was volume and an unbeatable price. (With slave labor and shotty workmanship - shot gun approach to using inspectors as quality control....)
The original HVAC had heat strips in the air handlers.

If I remember correctly there were 2 condensers, 2 airhandlers, oven, cooktop, water heater (maybe 2), dryer, a pool equipment sub panel and a jacuzzi sub panel.

I believe I had 4 spaces left :wink: This was all stuffed into a 20 space panel all twinned up and burned at the AC breaker/buss.

This was about $3400 if I remember correctly and worth every cent. I had to work those service conductors hot. It only took a day but it could have been my last day.

I just don't get it I am not naming names but a couple of you seem to always trash the small guys (myself included) with low overhead I really wish we all made a couple million on a stadium as soon as we get our licences .But what is the harm in making $800 in a day or what ever in a day.

The harm is that you are selling yourself short. I have a crapload of time and money invested in what I do for a living, now I can profit from it. Just because you are small doen't mean you have to work cheap.
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