I wired a house a few years ago that not only had many receptacles in the eve as well as receptacles around the outside of the house each was on a separate 20 amp circuit (600 amp service with two 40 circuit 200 amp panels in the house and another 200 amp 40 cir. WP out in yard hidden in an island of landscaping).
Each area of landscaping has 4 receptacles each on its own 20 amp circuit, this house at Christmas time or any holiday for that matter would make Chevy Chase be in envy, he even has a full size Santa sleigh and reindeer's that is animated the looks like it is flying off the top of the house and the lights slowly fades away as it gets to the top, he also has smoke machines, and allot of the lights and animations are all controlled by a master PLC system with the music all in sync, he's a retired engineer who designed PLC control systems for many of the major manufactures around the world, I wish I had a good camcorder to do a video of his displays around his house, and he did this well before the guy in Ohio did his, I haven't been over there in a while maybe I'll drop in and take some photos this season.